July 2010

53 Items
  1. Young people 'need training' such as plumbing courses

    Young people 'need training' such as plumbing courses

    There could be increased interest in plumbing courses after a source suggested young people are not learning enough skills to secure jobs. Matthew Freeman, head of young people and communities at employment and skills specialists Working Links, claimed that it can be "extremely damaging" for youngsters to grow up without enough training to develop their […]

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  2. Plumbing Made Easy With Push Fit - Know Your Pipe From Your Elbow!

    Plumbing Made Easy With Push Fit - Know Your Pipe From Your Elbow!

    Sometimes the thought of starting a new career can appear very daunting indeed! There’s always much to learn – and in the construction trade industry – practical skills to master too! Many trades have been transformed by new materials and technologies, making the work now involved much more simpler, streamlined and thus, you can accomplish […]

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  3. Prison contract may lead to new demand for bricklaying courses

    Prison contract may lead to new demand for bricklaying courses

    Interest in bricklaying courses in London may be set to rise after a contract was agreed for a new prison to be built in the capital. The facility – which will be called Belmarsh West and will be situated next to the existing Belmarsh prisons – is worth £415 million to outsourcing company Serco, which […]

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  4. New technology may lead to increased demand for electrical courses

    New technology may lead to increased demand for electrical courses

    Electrical courses may soon see a surge of interest in the Liverpool area after it was announced that new technology is being trialled in the city. Chief executive of the Mersey Partnership Lorraine Rogers described to the Liverpool Echo how the north-west destination has won the chance to trial Smart Grid techniques, which she suggested […]

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  5. 'Vital' that consumers hire workers who have completed plumbing courses

    'Vital' that consumers hire workers who have completed plumbing courses

    An industry figure has highlighted the importance of engineers completing plumbing courses before carrying out domestic installation and maintenance work. Chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering Blane Judd suggested that it should be a greater priority for everyone to hire a well-qualified professional. He claimed that only those people who […]

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  6. Retraining ex-Armed Forces For Better Job Prospects.

    Retraining ex-Armed Forces For Better Job Prospects.

    Recently the media has been focusing on an increasing number of ex-armed services personnel and their struggle to reintegrate into normal civilian life, even after many months, or even years have elapsed since leaving active duty. The problem has been highlighted because of the UK’s still fragile recovery from recession and the current severe government […]

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  7. Wembley City development may spark interest in electrical courses

    Wembley City development may spark interest in electrical courses

    The latest plans for the redevelopment of Wembley City have been announced and it looks like engineers who have completed electrical courses will be needed. In a statement published by Quintain Estates & Development, it was revealed that that a 160,000 sq m area may see the construction of residential properties, shop and hotel space, […]

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  8. Large companies could encourage interest in plumbing courses

    Large companies could encourage interest in plumbing courses

    It is important for large companies to urge their workers to sign up for training programmes, such as plumbing courses. This is the view of Guardian writer Norman Pickavance, who pointed to rising unemployment as a good reason for young people to get trained up in different skills. By this logic, workers would be putting […]

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  9. Certain projects 'best carried out by workers who have taken tiling courses'

    Certain projects 'best carried out by workers who have taken tiling courses'

    People who have completed tiling courses may be in greater demand if the public takes note of the views of one DIY commentator. Writing for the Times-Standard, John Driscol explained that he takes great pleasure in carrying out DIY projects around his home, but tiling has become an exception to this philosophy. He described the […]

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  10. Skills from plumbing courses 'useful even for new homes'

    Skills from plumbing courses 'useful even for new homes'

    Interest in plumbing courses may rise after one source noted that problems can easily arise in new homes as well as older properties. Writing for Helium, Joe Brooks claimed that plumbing issues tend to reveal themselves at the most inopportune moments. All of this may spur people on to take plumbing courses or hire a […]

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  11. Maternity ward closure highlights significance of electrical courses

    Maternity ward closure highlights significance of electrical courses

    The importance of electrical courses has been underlined after Colchester General Hospital was forced to temporarily close its maternity ward as a result of an electrical problem. None of the 16 babies inside the special care baby unit were affected by the issues, but new admissions were redirected to facilities in Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk. […]

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  12. World is 'crying out' for people to take plumbing courses

    World is 'crying out' for people to take plumbing courses

    More young people should be advised to sign up for plumbing courses rather than pursue academic subjects, according to one source. Writing for the Mirror, Fiona McIntosh suggested that the world is "crying out" for more plumbers and the profession can offer youngsters direction in their lives. In her opinion, it would be better to […]
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