What the construction industry’s skills shortage means for homeowners
Discover what the construction industry’s ongoing skills shortages mean for homeowners, landlords and property developers.
Discover what the construction industry’s ongoing skills shortages mean for homeowners, landlords and property developers.
Learn more about how you can train towards a career in the electrical industry via flexible home study learning.
Find out more about how you can use ELCAS funding to obtain your qualifications in bathroom installation, and the different opportunities training can lead to.
Learn more about Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Services (ELCAS), who is eligible for the scheme and how to claim.
Find out more about how you can use ELCAS funding to obtain your qualifications in Building, Installation and Property Maintenance.
It’s no secret that construction has traditionally been a male-dominated industry, with the sector often being one of the lowest performers in terms of gender diversity. However, while there is still much work to be done to address the gender imbalance, recent research from Redrow has highlighted that things are heading in the right direction, […]
Are you interested in pursuing a career as a gas engineer, but would first like to get a better idea of what a ‘typical’ day-to-day might look like when working in the industry? With a current average base salary of £40,288 and this research (by metals4U via Approach Personnel), predicting gas engineers to again be […]
Find out why formal plumbing qualifications are so important in the industry, and some of the benefits that come with gaining them.
Discover why Alex chose Able Skills for his City & Guilds Handyman course and how his new skills helped him plan for a career change.