Can I call out a Plumber?
As stated, at this moment in time we are not providing our usual plumbing courses and gas courses, however, there is a lot of confusion out there surrounding whether or not certain traders should be on the tools during this outbreak and whether or not the public can acquire the assistance of a Gas Engineer or Plumber for example. Confusion over who is a 'key worker' and who isn't needs to be ironed out, however in the government's original statement they said that oil, gas, electricity and water sectors come under this term. Generally speaking, self-employed workers will need to make that decision for themselves whether they plan to continue to provide services or not and companies themselves in these sectors will each have their own method of dealing with it...

Plumbing courses at Able Skills.
As an example of companies taking matters into their own hands, Pimlico Plumbers, London's largest independent plumbing firm, said that it is currently providing an emergency service for all essential work and screening all calls prior to booking to establish whether customers have had any symptoms of the coronavirus before going ahead with the booking for the safety of the public and their workers. They added that the engineers wear foot covers, gloves and face masks and all vans have a sink so they can wash their hands before and after the job. They all also have hand sanitiser. Which seems like the perfect balance between providing the valuable services of which the public needs and at the same time staying as safe as possible and there are plenty of other companies across the country putting the same precautions in place. So the answer really comes down to the fact that if you are in desperate need of a tradesman or woman they may be harder to find but it is still possible to gain the assistance of these types of traders.
Unfortunately at this moment in time, our training centre has suspended all of our training programs. Meaning those aspiring plumbers, gas engineers and so on cannot gain the teachings of our plumbing courses, gas courses and other training at this moment in time, however, if you are seriously considering a career in these trades or another that we offer please take this time to prepare yourself. Do research online, there are plenty of online materials that can get you started so that you already have a foundation to work on when we get back to business as usual.
Additional Information:
At this moment in time, our office is closed. Following the government's advice is critical to protecting the NHS and saving lives and getting back to normal as quickly as possible. However, during this time do your research and take a look through our website at the many different plumbing courses, gas courses and any other training that we offer. Prepare yourself as best you can with online materials and so on. Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon!
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