Can I start training whilst furloughed?
If you are away from work due to the current pandemic and you are furloughed you may be thinking can I train on the side? With this spare time, you may be looking to gain some valuable skills, whether for some DIY work or you are looking to eventually take up a new line of work. In March the government launched the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme keeping companies around the country alive by paying 80% of employees wages whilst we as a country maintained social distancing.

Able Skills Construction Training.
So, what can I do whilst furloughed?
Whilst away from work, there are freedoms in terms of what you can do with this time. You can, in fact, work for a different employer (if contractually allowed to do so). Furloughed employees can take part in volunteer work and yes, Furloughed employees can engage in training! In fact, states that furloughed employees “should be encouraged to undertake training” to make the most of their time in lockdown and benefit from increased profitability post-COVID-19.
If you are interested in getting involved in training with us here at Able Skills, whether that be through Electrician courses, Gas courses, Plumbing courses or any other training that we offer then it looks like you can get started! Our phone lines are now back during the week so feel free to give us a call on 01322 280 202 for any advice, questions and enquiries! We have been providing training for over 18+ years, we know what it takes to go from novice to professional and we have experts instructors covering a huge range of trades so take a look through our website or give us a call for more information!
We are putting safety measures in place to ensure social standing and to make sure students and staff are safe at all times. Following the government's advice is critical to protecting the NHS and saving lives and getting back to normal as quickly as possible. Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon!
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