Have you ever sat down and really thought about your career? Working 9-5 everyday doing the same thing can become extremely tedious, working for someone else and being told what to do. It could be completely different, and you could be enjoying your with and being your own boss, after all you spend 75% of […]
It has been an up and down kind of year in the construction industry with output changing monthly and the last few months have seen a negative impact hit. However, in recent times construction seems to be hitting a boom, especially in the North West region on the UK. Construction overall in the North West […]
Today, Theresa May made a conference speech in Birmingham and addressed some keys issues, which included the current housing crisis that is affecting many across the UK. Over the last few years, the government have made plans to build homes across the UK, however, due to a number of different reasons targets have not been […]
Donseed Make New Change To CSCS Smartcards In an attempt to crackdown on all the fake cards being found on site, CSCS’s IT partner Donseed have have been analysing how CSCS SmartCards are being verified and have come up with new ‘white paper’ according to Electrical Times. They found that visual checks with paper-based recording […]
Construction work is going on across the UK and in higher levels that ever before, with the housing crisis playing a big part. New hous building projects are being planned and started up and down the UK and largely in the South East corner of the country. However, this building work is being affected by […]
2018 has been up and down for the Construction Industry in the UK, mainly due to the bad weather earlier in the year. This has meant construction output has staggered throughout the year, however, over the past few months the industry has seen a higher output and a slight rise in the industry. Uncertainty around […]
Have you got your Brexit Insurance? Many construction sector owners are worried due to concerns raised by Brexit as they’re approached by ‘Brexit Insurance Consultants’. Do they have reason to be concerned? You could argue they so as Brexit does cause some uncertainty but is forking out for specialist insurance the answer? One thing’s […]
A very popular route we are now seeing at our centre in Dartford is students coming in to complete a number of courses with the idea of becoming a Property Developer. Due to the demand for this we have devised a Property Development package that incorporates all the courses need to get you started. However, […]
The construction skills shortage has been affecting construction work up and down the UK over the past few years. More work than ever before is being planned and completed, with a huge percentage being housing to ease the current housing crisis. However, workers are in high demand and sites are short on numbers as the […]
As you guys know there is no rest for the Number One Construction Training Course Provider in the UK. Each week welcomes new students beginning their new careers and we’re over the moon to be providing the platform for such career progression. This week is no different as we launch the following Construction Training Courses […]
The Housing Crisis is an ongoing problem in the UK with more homes needed across the UK every year. On a regular basis the government are writing up new plans to increase housebuilding, however, due to the construction industry having a skills shortage it is causing problems along the way. Earlier this year, the construction […]
House-building is a hot topic across the country right now and the amount of house building being planned is not matching up with the houses physically being built. With Brexit on the horizon, there is a lot of uncertainty around the plans for house building, especially with the amount of workers in the international pool […]