
536 Items
  1. Unregistered gas fitter fined over illegal work

    Unregistered gas fitter fined over illegal work

    A Cornish gas fitter has been fined after he carried out illegal work which could have put lives at risk.

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  2. UK consumers cannot tell safe gas appliances from deadly ones, study finds

    UK consumers cannot tell safe gas appliances from deadly ones, study finds

    Gas Safe Register has revealed that UK householders are not able to tell safe gas appliances from deadly ones, meaning that their homes could be harbouring dangerous boilers and heating systems.

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  3. Govt urged to increase high efficiency boiler uptake

    Govt urged to increase high efficiency boiler uptake

    OFTEC has urged the Government to boost the uptake of energy efficient boilers through a boiler scrappage scheme.

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  4. Latest guidance on chimney and flue installation released

    Latest guidance on chimney and flue installation released

    The alternative installation methods detailed in the latest edition of the European standard governing the installation of chimneys and flues has been recognised.

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  5. Gas Safe's Silent Killer campaign boosts gas fitter opportunities

    Gas Safe's Silent Killer campaign boosts gas fitter opportunities

    A Gas Safe Register campaign, which aimed to boost awareness of the dangers of faulty gas appliances, has led to a rise in job opportunities for gas fitters.

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  6. Illegal Cornish gas fitter highlights importance of checking qualifications

    Illegal Cornish gas fitter highlights importance of checking qualifications

    A Cornish gas fitter carried out illegal work on a property, endangering the lives of its occupants and showing how key it is to employ a registered gas fitter.

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  7. DECC holds consultation on metering and billing for district heating systems

    DECC holds consultation on metering and billing for district heating systems

    A consultation has been held by the Department of Energy and Climate Change on the EU Energy Efficiency Directive’s application of metering and billing for district heating systems.

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  8. Chinese restaurant shut down over gas safety fears

    Chinese restaurant shut down over gas safety fears

    A Preston-based Chinese restaurant has been shut down following an investigation by gas safety officials who branded it a ‘death trap.’

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  9. Employers plan to take on more new graduates

    Employers plan to take on more new graduates

    Young people will be pleased to learn that employers are planning to take on more trainees and graduates this year.

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  10. Willenhall court case highlights value of qualified gas engineers

    Willenhall court case highlights value of qualified gas engineers

    A Willenhall-based man has been prosecuted after the HSE found he had carried out unsafe and illegal gas works, putting householders at risk.

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  11. Access woes for gas engineers could be solved with fines for difficult tenants

    Access woes for gas engineers could be solved with fines for difficult tenants

    Seven tenants in Loughborough have been fined after they refused to allow gas workers to enter their properties to carry out essential safety checks.

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  12. April deadline for flue gas measurement fast approaching

    April deadline for flue gas measurement fast approaching

    UK gas fitters and boiler engineers must ensure that they are aware of the new compulsory requirements for flue gas measurements which come into effect in April of this year.

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