Access woes for gas engineers could be solved with fines for difficult tenants
Seven tenants in Loughborough have been fined after they refused to allow gas workers to enter their properties to carry out essential safety checks.
Seven tenants in Loughborough have been fined after they refused to allow gas workers to enter their properties to carry out essential safety checks.
UK gas fitters and boiler engineers must ensure that they are aware of the new compulsory requirements for flue gas measurements which come into effect in April of this year.
Cheshire householders are being reminded of the importance of a regular gas safety check, which could have the potential to save their lives.
Ffollowing a recent eco gas boiler campaign, there is expected to be a surge of boiler fitting jobs in Winchester.
A new report has highlighted the cost savings that could be made through switching to renewable energy sources.
Schools across the UK are trying to highlight the dangers of leaky gas appliances through a new competition.
A landlord employed an unregistered gas fitter to install a boiler in a property he owned in Luton, putting the lives of his tenants at risk.
Landlords are being urged to ensure they are compliant with gas safety regulations, following research from the Gas Safety Register which found that many properties are unsafe.
Council bosses across South Derbyshire are warning homeowners and tenants to ensure that all of their gas appliances have been checked to ensure they are in good working order.
A case involving an unqualified and unregistered gas engineer has highlighted the need for skilled professionals.
A company has offered to fit a new boiler for free for a couple who were struggling to afford a replacement before Christmas.
Gas engineers are advised that Baxi has issued a Safety Alert regarding a boiler in conjunction with Gas Safe.