New solar water heaters to shake up market
Viridian Solar has revealed its new solar heating product range, promising to alter the jobs of plumbers and solar power installation specialists across the UK.
Viridian Solar has revealed its new solar heating product range, promising to alter the jobs of plumbers and solar power installation specialists across the UK.
A London plumbing firm has sparked controversy as a result of its risque name.
The 2014 World Plumbing Day will aim to promote the key role that plumbing plays in our health and safety.
If for some time you have longed for a change of career but feel restricted by time, finances or even age then maybe an opportunity for you to study at home may be the answer.
Freelance trade workers are being urged to ensure they have a full understanding of their tax obligations.
Having done a very quick Google search for ‘Level 3 Plumbing Courses’ it became quite apparent very quickly that there doesn’t seem to be much provision available for this training option, particularly amongst private training providers. This seems to me to be a very good opportunity to promote the Level 3 Plumbing Courses that […]
Scottish Water has warned residents to protect their pipes this winter in order to avoid them freezing or bursting if the weather gets colder.
The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) has created a specialist plumbing and heating sector and have taken on a new chairman to oversee it.
New research has shown that plumbers are failing to make the most of social media when it comes to interacting with customers online.
Upgrades to thousands of council houses in Leicestershire have provided opportunities for trainee electricians and plumbers.
Checking you know exactly what your home insurance policy covers in terms of gas boiler issues or plumbing issues, is essential, says the Association of British Insurers.
A Huddersfield-based plumber is proving just how versatile plumbing skills are by heading to Gambia to work on hospital sanitation.