A national campaign that aims to increase awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) and is set to end on Friday (November 20th) could highlight the importance of employing accredited gas workers.

The gas is the cause of at least 50 deaths each year in the UK, while 234 Brits were admitted to hospital last year as a result of exposure to it.

Carbon monoxide poisoning often occurs in the home when flues and fuel-burning appliances are not fitted correctly, regularly checked or well-ventilated.

Lynn Griffiths, founder and president of the CO-Awareness charity, underlined the need to use qualified workers when installing and maintaining such equipment.

"Having your fuel burning appliances serviced or inspected by the appropriate, registered tradespeople would also help minimise the risk of CO in your home," she said.

CO-Awareness is a registered charity that campaigns for raised awareness of the gas's effects, changes in legislation on the installation of appliances and support for the victims of CO poisoning.

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