Could This Help Minimise Electrical Fires?


electrical fires


Electrical fires have gained masses of attention in recent years and came under particular lime light after the tragedy that occurred to Grenfell Tower. In order to eliminate the risk of such hazards in the first place, we must ensure those working with electrics are fully qualified and competent to do so. With lives at risk and damage being done to associated properties, it looks as if some insurance companies are looking at the tools their customers hold which could potentially help the number of electrical fires and faults from happening in the first place.

Some insurance companies are offering a particular piece of equipment that works via thermal imaging technology which has supposedly been used to strengthen risk management programmes to protect lives, assets and ultimately increase profitability.

In a bid to prove the technology can really work, the given insurance company carried out over 6,000 surveys in 5 years. Their results concluded that the thermal imaging technology uncovered thousands of electrical faults and deficiencies which saved thermography customers a whopping £10M per year.

Further research carried out by the company showed that on average, electrical fires created losses of approximately £150,000 for circuit breakers, £390,000 for switchgear and £765,000 for motor control centre (MCC) rooms.

Saving on huge costs is one supposed advantage, but the real value of the technology seems to be in the time it takes for Electricians out there to recognise and diagnose faults within the given electrics to ultimately save lives and reduce hazards.

What do you guys think of thermal imaging?

Some of you guys may have even used such technology in the past. Do you think it should be used more? Maybe it's just a marketing strategy for certain companies? It's safe to say that more definitely needs to be done to help eliminate electrical fires in the first place and if this is what it takes to increase the safety of the public then so be it. Let us know what you think!