Able Skills Electrical Courses and Electrician Training Are Both City & Guilds Accredited
Today marked the start of another Home Study Electrician Course. Prior to what you'll see in the above Youtube video, students had learnt all necessary theory via the Home Study Pack they would have received when they first enrolled onto the course.
For those who don't know, The City & Guilds Accredited Level 2 Home Study Electrician Course is one of the many Electrician Courses offered here at Able Skills. With the video being taken earlier on today, students are straight to work learning the practical aspects of what it takes to become a Fully Qualified Electrician.
Being in centre for their first practical week, here's what they'll be covering:
Week 1
On-line exams: 501 and 210
Practical Assessments:
201: to incorporate written questions and
- Mobile Scaffold Tower
- Ladders
- Stand
- Steps
- Manual handling with and without aids
Please keep in mind that we don't offer a Home Study Option for just the Level 2. The City & Guilds Level 3 Electrician Course is also available via this same option giving students the flexibility to learn and earn at the same time. How? Well the way this option works is we allow students to pick and choose when they want to come in and undergo the practical training around their existing job. Done in a week at a time, you could do your first week this week, second week next month, the third week in another month and again for the final week.
The flexibility is what helps students ensure bills are paid and yet still train towards a new career at the same time!
For more information on our Home Study Electrician Courses or anyone of our other Electrician Courses, please click here.