Electrical courses are as busy as ever!
Let's take a look at all the electrician training courses going on here at Able Skills, we take a lot of pride in our training centre. We know that we can produce quality, reliable electricians for the industry. We run a large variety of different electrical courses here from City & Guilds Level 2 Electrical courses to Inspection & Testing courses and as you might expect 18th Edition courses - which aim to help students gain familiarity with the layout, content and application of the latest wiring regulations over a period of 3-days.
Currently, we have two groups of students progressing through their City & Guilds Level 2 Electrical course. Which means currently we are booked and cannot take on more students until the 27th of April 2020. However, do you know about our home-study option? Yes, that's right..you can study at home, well obviously you will need to come in for a specific 4-weeks (chosen by you) for learning practical and assessments, but you are able to take home a study pack provided by us and learn the theory at your own pace in your own space!

Electrical Courses and Electrician Training at Able Skills
We also have students currently taking Inspection & Testing assessments, hopefully, they successfully complete their 2.5-hour practical assignment. We prepare you in the best way we know-how, practical experience, we have individual workstations so that our students have their own space to learn - the best way to learn is to get stuck in that's why our courses focus of practical hands-on learning!

Electrical Courses and Electrician Training at Able Skills
Seeking AM2?
Looking to complete an AM2 or Achievement Measurement 2? The purpose of the AM2 is to ensure all qualified electricians achieve a single standard, meaning that everyone who has completed an AM2 is recognised as a good electrician who meets the industry requirements. Here at Able Skills, we have a dedicated AM2 centre!

The AM2 competence assessment comprises four sections A – D
(Section A is split into two distinct areas which are separately marked):
A1 Safe Isolation and Risk Assessment (1 hour)
A Composite Installation (8.5 hours)
B Inspection and Testing (3.5 hours)
C Fault Diagnosis (2.5 hours)
D Assessment of Applied Knowledge (1 hour)
We also offer a pre-AM2 course which is a ‘1-day revision course’ and is designed to enhance candidates existing practical skills and underpinning knowledge prior to undertaking the AM2 test.
Ready to enrol?
If you would like some more information about the electrical training talked about - then get in contact with us at 01322 280 202, we can help you with enrolling, answering questions, whatever you need just give us a call! Alternatively, if you would prefer to come and look around our training centre before enrolling then be our guest, just come into our office (Which is located in the middle of our centre) and we will show you around and advise you on the best way to achieve what you are looking for in terms of becoming a professional electrician!
Apply online? Yes, you can enrol online, simply browse our website and select the course you would like to take and click 'Reserve you space' or 'Book now' - Follow the instructions from there and you will be on your way to being a professional.
Electrical Courses: