People with electrical qualifications could potentially help reduce the amount of carbon emitted by residential properties.
According to Alex Goddard, curator at the Eco Home Exhibition, there are several ways in which people can make their homes more environmentally-friendly.
Insulation, which could require the help of people in the construction industry to install, is one of the fundamental things homeowners can do to boost energy efficiency.
When it comes to electricity, using gadgets in the home that require less energy could also cut a property's carbon footprint.
Ms Goddard said that current eco trends include "everyday objects for the kitchen that perhaps use a lot less electricity - so we are looking at kettles, toasters and irons that use gadgetry and special technology to help them use less power".
According to the Energy Saving Trust, when it comes to lighting, energy saving lightbulbs use 80 per cent less electricity than the standard variety.
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