Gas Training Courses at Able Skills
In today's edition of the Able Skills blog we'll be sharing our discussion with Julian who is currently undergoing one of our Gas Training Courses, the New Entrants Gas Training Course.
We find out why he chose to go with gas, what he did before and what his future plans are going forward after he finishes the course. It's always interesting to find out what our current students used to do as some previous jobs can surprise you.
There's alot of people out there who assume you need some form of previous trade experience to pursue a career within a trade and we're here to tell you that couldn't be any further from the truth. Here's what Julian used to to...
Julian is actually a former personal trainer and told us he had his eye on Gas Training Courses for a while...
So How Did You Get Into Personal Training?
I've been a personal trainer for 3 years and to be honest with you, at the time, I really thought it was the career for me. But really and truly I got bored of it really quickly as the day time is pretty quiet for me. A lot of my clients are early in the morning and late evening and I'm generally quite bored of the routine.
I want something that let's me work during typical working hours and still allows me to work for myself. I want something that pays more than personal training as well!
Why Gas Training Courses?
Well one of my clients is actually a gas engineer and he's always going on holiday, drives a nice car, has his own house and he's only 1 year older than me. I was chatting to him after a session one time and told him I'm losing the motivation to train people. He recommended I get into gas and it literally all started from there. I Google searched Gas Training Courses, asked him what one was best and he told me he actually did the course I'm on now a few years ago (The New Entrants Gas Training Course)
How Do You Plan On Working For Yourself?
Well the plan is to pass this, then get my portfolio done with my previous client. He said he'll take me on so that saves me looking elsewhere. After i've got enough experience, I'll start looking to work for myself then. Right now my plan is to just enjoy what I'm doing and go from there.

Able Skills Gas Training Courses are Bpec Accredited
That's something you don't hear everyday! 'Just enjoy what I'm doing and go from there'. Very wise words for someone looking to make a living doing what they enjoy...and to be honest, the majority of tradesmen generally enjoy their jobs and it's obviously hands on and it's safe to say there can be a lot of fun times working on site.
We wish Julian all the best for the future and if you would like to find out more about our Gas Training Courses, please click here.