Get started with Home-Study Electrician courses right now!
Here at Able Skills, we have been for the past couple of weeks getting students back in the centre to continue their electrician courses including this week an entirely new group of Level 2 students starting out. If for any reason you are concerned about coming to our centre then know there are other ways to train - Home-Study options such as our Home Study Electrics Level 2 allow you to learn the theory side of a qualification at home, then attend the centre at a later date to learn the practical side. This works by effectively replacing the instructor with our trusted 'Home-Study Pack' which includes all of the theory, test questions, calculations and so on. If followed correctly and worked through at a good pace this course is a smooth process and an excellent option for completing electrician courses.

Teaching students to become professionals is what we do best.
The video above shows our previous students taking on the practical side of their Home Study Electrics Level 2 course. Obviously now, this will look a lot different, we have been implementing many different measures for the purpose of ensuring social distancing and a safe and reliable centre during this difficult time. We have lowered the number of students at the centre at any given time, providing materials, tools and so on individually boxed for each student, keeping bays for individual students instead of having two in each, additional cleaning staff and PPE.

There will no be no shared materials between students, you will each receive separated tools and equipment.
So, how does a Home-Study course work?
We offer a Home Study Electrics Level 2, a Home Study Electrics Level 3 and a combined option for those looking to really kick-start their journey towards working the trade professionally. The Home Study Electrics Level 2 and Level 3 option will simply work through both courses one after another at a discounted rate. You will receive the home-study pack after applying, study it, attend the centre for the practical side and complete assessments. During the time of studying at home, you will have access to the online learning platform 'Smartscreen' as well as the comprehensive study pack and will have contact information for an instructor if you have any questions or become stuck at any point. The combined option will work as follows...
- Firstly, you will receive a 'Home-Study Pack' containing all of the theory needed for the Level 2, with these materials we would expect you to spend at least 3 to 6 months studying and making sure that you have a full understanding of everything you have been provided with, there will even be test questions included so that you can see for yourself if you have retained the information.
- Next, and only when you feel confident in your new-found knowledge you will allocate 4-weeks during which you will learn the practical skills needed and complete assessments towards this Level 2 award. These weeks are chosen by you and should be separated.
- Third, the process starts again, now we will send you your Level 3 pack and again at your own pace and manner, you will need to work through the theory making sure that you are really committing to learning what you have been presented with. If you do not take the recommended 3 to 6 months you may fall behind when you begin attending our centre for practical training as our instructors will assume you understand the theory surrounding their teachings.
- Finally, you will attend our facility, this time for 3-weeks. Again these weeks are chosen by you and should be split up. During this time you will be taught more advanced practical skills and again complete the Level 3 award by way of on-line and written exams.

Example of 'Home-Study' a Pack.
Contact information:
Call us on 01322 280 202 for further information about any of our electrical courses! Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon! You can also email us on for more information about any of the training that we offer including Gas training courses, electrician courses, plumbing courses and the construction trades that will be returning from August 3rd.
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