How Able Skills looks to improve and adapt in 2021!
Obviously nobody wants to be in this predicament, living within another national lockdown, however, things are looking so much better with the news that more people have now been vaccinated in the UK than have tested positive for the virus. Here at our training centre we are making the most of this downtime by improving and upgrading our workshops this includes revamping one of our electrical units and making some improvements to our plumbing workshop. We have been teaching and providing industry-recognised qualifications for almost 20-years and we will be continuing to develop how we train and our facilities for many years to come! Today we want to look at what we are doing during this time and what courses we are currently running here at Able Skills...
Interested in becoming an instructor?
Since the pandemic began and furlough became the new normality, we have seen a huge increase in people's interest in trade skills. The idea of changing career paths may seem daunting, however, with the huge uncertainty surrounding employment it seems people are more willing than ever to take a chance and work towards learning new skills in order to kick-start a new career in the trade industry. To keep up with demand, we are now looking to bring in additional staff. If you are a talented, friendly individual looking to teach we are currently after an Electrical trainer, a Plumbing instructor, a Carpentry trainer and a Multi-Skills Assessor. If you have a good number of years in the industry and you are looking for a new challenge, try teaching! You can find out more information here!
What changes are we making?
One change we are making over this lockdown period is our bold decision to no longer teach Domestic Installer courses. We are opting to become more of a Centre of Excellence! What this means is that we are more interested in providing the higher tiers of Electrical training, helping people who are looking to become fully-qualified electricians. We have noticed too many complications with competent persons schemes and the Part-P route in general over the years. Instead, we will be concentrating on being a training centre of a high standard that provides the right training for ANY electrician.
As we said we are also looking to renovate a number of different units and areas within our training centre in order to house additional electrical training. We understand that social distancing and general safety measures are here for the long-term and we will be improving our ability to teach courses whilst maintaining a safe and reliable space for both our students and staff.
What courses are running?
We are not conducting courses as usual at the moment in accordance with the government's advice. However we are still providing a few different training options. For example we have a new group of students taking on remote electrical training from Monday where they will begin learning the theory side of the qualification over Zoom with one of our expert instructors. We are also still offering Home-Study courses both for Plumbing and Electrical qualifications as you can see here.
These options allow you to begin your journey towards a new career from the comfort of your own home. you'll receive all of the relevant City & Guilds test books as well as our specially crafted 'Home-Study pack', access to the online resource Smartscreen and finally contact details for one of our instructors. Will all of this you'll be able to gain a solid understanding of the theory side and once we can safely open our doors you will take on the practical side here at the centre. Take a look below at some of our Home-Study Level 2 Plumbing students doing just that...
For more Information:
Our office staff are still operating as usual, meaning if you are interested in training with us or have some questions you are welcome to contact our office team on 01322 280 202 - They are happy to assist you in any way that they can. Whether you are looking to book a course later in the year or you'd like some information about a course you have already booked. You can also contact us over email at for more information.
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All of our Electrician and Plumbing courses are City & Guilds assured and result in industry-recognised qualifications.