HSE Outlines steps landlords must take to carry out Gas checks during pandemic!
During these uncertain times, there are still tradesmen and women providing essential services around the country. It's obviously difficult to know whether you should be on the job or not, whether you are too close to a customer and many other thoughts. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reiterated that gas safety checks must be carried out in order to protect tenants’ safety and has given further guidance on steps they must take when they incur problems gaining access. The only advice that was out there before this HSE announcement was that you should take reasonable steps to gain access when prevented due to tenants self-isolating. Overall this whole lockdown is clearly causing problems for everyone including Gas Engineers.

Gas courses here at Able Skills.
What now?
There is now new advice presented by the Gas Safe Register through the HSE to define these 'reasonable steps'. The advice for social housing landlords said that “suspension of all gas safety checks is not permissible, as it will unnecessarily put tenants at increased risk, particularly as people are spending all/most of their time at home”. Each property should be considered on a case-by-case basis and when gas engineers are unavailable landlords must take reasonable steps to obtain alternative services. Where this is not possible, landlords must prioritise based on; the age of appliances, previous work carried out, breakdown history, presence of carbon monoxide alarms, and whether the tenant is considered vulnerable. - www.gassaferegister.co.uk
What does this mean for the actual Gas Engineer? Well, if landlords now have precautions they should take to determine who needs services and how then this will hopefully allow Gas Engineers to work safely and reduce the risk for both parties, the engineer and the public. You will still be able to work in properties that allow access and that need services, however, during these time people seem wary and cautious of people entering their home and may rather leave their gas problem for now. If the household have no symptoms but deny access. Landlords must show they have taken reasonable steps including: leaving the tenant a notice explaining that an attempt was made and write to the tenant explaining that it is a legal requirement. A record of all communication must be kept.
Looking to become an Engineer?
You may be considering a change of career path when the pandemic calms down. Here at Able Skills we have been proving Gas training courses for many years and have the facilities, staff, instructors, equipment and materials in place to take you from novice to Gas Safe Registered Engineer! Our New Entrant Gas Training Package 2 is the perfect starting point for anybody who is serious about becoming a professional in this trade. We have put all of the elements needed into one complete package. Starting with 7-weeks of hands-on practical training and classroom-based theory classes. Next, placement during which you will need to work alongside an engineer gathering evidence that you can carry out tasks and finally an ACS assessment! If you had a course booked meant to start in the coming weeks or months then simply take this time to prepare yourself as best as you can. There are plenty of online materials available out there regarding the theory surrounding the trade as well as countless Youtube videos.
Contact us:
To gain more information about our range of Gas courses or any other training that we provide, just email info@ableskills.co.uk. Again, following the government's advice is critical to protecting the NHS and saving lives. However, during this time do your research and take a look through our website at Gas courses and the many different courses that we offer and prepare yourself as best you can. Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon!