Train now for the future with Electrician courses!
Non-essential shops re-open today and here at Able Skills, we are continuing to provide high-quality training for aspiring electricians. We play host to many different training courses here at our centre at many different levels. Whether you are looking to gain some basic skills or kick-start a career we have got you covered. Our centre is completely set-up in terms of social distancing, we want to present a centre that is both safe and controlled for both our students and staff...

Electrical courses at Able Skills.
So, which courses are running? At the moment we have a group of Level 2 students and Level 3 students. We are also providing 18th Edition courses and more courses will be returning very soon. We also have courses that can start outside of the classroom and away from our centre. Our Home Study Electrics Level 2, for example, allows you to learn the theory side of a qualification at home, then attend the centre at a later date to learn the practical side. This works by effectively replacing the instructor with our trusted 'Home-Study Pack' which includes all of the theory, test questions, calculations and more.
We are also teaching some students online via virtual learning, much like the online conferences we are sure you have become aware of in recent months whether you've experienced a 'Zoom' call yourself or have a family member or friend working online. We are providing classroom theory lessons online to reduce the overall number of students at the centre. So courses like our 18th Edition course which is basically all theory-based can be presented online without an issue and can actually be very efficient in your progression to professionalism in the trade. In the near future, we will be providing a range of not only Electrical but Plumbing and Gas courses in this fashion.
All of our electrical instructors are absolute experts in the trade. With years of experience working within different roles out in the industry they understand how to convey what they've learnt over that time to our students in an easy to digest manner. Our courses result in industry-recognised qualifications. City & Guilds qualifications are highly regarded in the industry. The City and Guilds of London Institute is an educational organisation in the United Kingdom. We hope to see you training with us soon!
Contact information:
Call us on 01322 280 202 for further information about any of our Electrician courses; Inspection & Testing courses, 18th Edition courses and much more! Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon! You can also email us on for more information about any of the training that we offer including Gas training courses, electrician courses, plumbing courses and the construction trades that will be returning from August 3rd.
We have our own accommodation which is available on a room only basis and is located only 5 minutes from the Training Centre. The Accommodation is owned by Able Skills and will only ever be used by our students; the property also has a large car park so, for any of our visitors who are considering driving to us, vehicles can be left there quite safely.
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