New homes are not spacious enough, a survey by Cabe has found.

The owners of 2,500 private new homes were questioned in the study, 47 per cent of which suggested there was not enough space for all the furniture they have or would like to have.

Richard Simmons, chief executive of Cabe, said that local planning authorities needed to ensure there were much higher standards of space in homes.

"This research brings into question the argument that the market will meet the demands of people living in private housing developments," he said.

Nearly two-thirds of those questioned suggested there was not enough space in the kitchen for simple appliances such as a microwave or a toaster.

Half of respondents said they didn't have enough storage space, while nearly three quarters indicated there was no room for the three small bins required to recycle adequately.

Flats, bungalows and house owners in London were all questioned for the study.