Electrical Courses and Electrician Training at Able Skills
The demand for Electricians is set to increase yet again as a new labour market report on the electrotechnical industry estimates that 12,500-15,000 will be needed over the next 5 years.
The demand stems from a need in technology skills which will see firms seeking to source electricians and we hope the Electrician Courses we've been providing will see many qualified Electricians fulfill the new roles that will be up for grabs.
The report's predictions of the huge surge in demand are based purely from sector expansion and it really does show the amount of work out there for Electricians. Able Skills has so many students ask about about the JIB Gold Card Route and how they can achieve atleast their NVQ Level 3 which should certainly be enough to see them become part of the potential 15,000.
With the regards to the sectors that are increasing, research shows that it's the emerging and future technologies which will lead the way. These include areas that deal with SMART Technology, e-mobility and Wi-FI technology, which are closely followed by Energy Efficiency and Fire Safety which involve changes to regulations and public policy.
Here's what the chair of TESP and managing director of SJD Electrical had to say:
Able Skills Electrical Courses and Electrician Training are both City & Guilds Accredited
“The TESP survey – the first of its kind in over a decade – offers not only a useful snapshot of where the electrotechnical industry and its skills-base are now, but also a vital insight into the scale of the challenges we face in the immediate future. The organisations which form TESP all have a crucial part to play in shaping and coordinating the industry’s response to these challenges, and the priorities for action defined in the survey report represent an important first step. Future success will, however, also hinge on the active participation and support of other stakeholders, including Government departments and agencies, clients, training providers, other sector bodies and of course individual businesses – especially the small and micro businesses who make up our industry’s core.”
Very Proud...
Able Skills are honoured to know that step by step, we are doing everything possible to narrow the skills shortage and work endlessly to make sure the economy is the strongest it can be. Through construction course training, we have become the UK's number 1 training provider and will continue to help aspiring Electricians get the roles they're after.
If you're thinking about starting a career as an Electrician, or want to achieve further Electrical Qualifications, please click here for a full list of Electrical Courses and Electrician Training.