Electrical governing bodies The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) and ELECSA have confirmed that they have opted out of the Third Party Inspector scheme due to safety fears.

The two bodies – which are authorised by Communities and Local Government to deliver a “competent persons scheme” to allow contractors to self-certify domestic electrical appliances – will not be running the Third Party Inspection scheme due to concerns it will undermine registered electricians.

The Department for Communities and Local Government recently outlined changes to the Building Regulations which details the introduction of third party certification schemes for electrical work in residential homes. The Third Party scheme was part of the amended regulations, which were rolled out earlier this week.

However, both the NICEIC and ELECSA have said that they believe the scheme falls short of the standards and safeguards that will allow for electrical safety while still being workable for electrical workers. As a result of this, they have opted not to operate the scheme.

Electrical contractors have voiced their concerns regarding who is responsible for an electrical installation that was not installed by them but has since been checked by them, especially if there is something wrong with it.