NICEIC Urges people not to do electrical work they're not qualified for!
Of course, at this time we are all at home, some are wary of letting professionals in their home but this doesn't mean that you should take up your hand at DIY. Especially when it comes to electrical work which can be dangerous for somebody with little knowledge. Go ahead and paint the conservatory what better time to make some changes around the home but when it comes to electrical issues you shouldn't take on those task for the safety of your family and yourself. As a large number of people look to work on their homes during the lockdown period, the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) has advised people to steer clear of any electrical work they're not qualified for...Every year around 12,500 house fires, 750 serious injuries and 10 deaths are caused by unsafe electrics in the home.

Electrician Training at Able Skills.
Our training:
Obviously, at this moment in time, we cannot provide a date on which we will return. We are following government advice as everybody should be, however, we want our current students and potential students to be aware that we are planning to get everything back on track in terms of electrician courses! We will be hiring additional staff and making changes that will accommodate everybody who had a course booked and those who had a course put on hold. We will do everything we can to get you back on the path towards a new career! If you had either City & Guilds Level 2 or 3 electrical course booked with us due to start in the coming weeks or months Able Skills is willing to switch your course to our 'Home-Study' options, allowing you to get learning straight away! We will send you information on how to access the online learning tool Smartscreen and our 'Home-Study Pack' which includes all of the theory necessary for each qualification. If you qualified for this switch make sure to check your emails, we have already sent out additional information regarding making this switch.
Additional Information:
Again, we have sent emails to those who had courses booked in the coming weeks and months, however, to gain more information about our 'Home-Study' Plumbing courses or any other training that we provide, email Following the government's advice is critical to protecting the NHS and saving lives. However, during this time do your research and take a look through our website at electrician courses and the many different courses that we offer and prepare yourself as best you can. We are happy to bring you this 'Home-Study' option that you can get started with right away! Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon!
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