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4463 Items
  1. How to thread low carbon steel pipe

    How to thread low carbon steel pipe

    New plumbing and gas instructor, Bob has really fitted in well at Able Skills and he has got straight into action with his plumbing students. He has a very good bond with his students and he makes sure they all get the maximum from the course. They all have high praise for Bob and Del […]

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  2. Policeman trains as a Plumber!

    Policeman trains as a Plumber!

    Stewart has been a regular student at Able Skills over the last six months and he has done extremely well, as he plans for a new career after deciding to change from being a policeman.   Over the past six months, Stewart has completed all his plumbing training on level 2 and level 3 training […]

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  3. Bricklayer, Matt was given the hard task!

    Bricklayer, Matt was given the hard task!

    The bricklaying centre at Able Skills is easily one of the most popular area for short and long courses. Every week we have new students looking to help bridge the gap in the bricklaying industry.   Occasionally, Simon, our bricklaying instructor loves to give out the hardest tasks for his students that like the challenge. […]

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  4. New Electrical centre is beginning to take shape

    New Electrical centre is beginning to take shape

    The construction work continues on our New Electrical Centre at Able Skills and it is now starting to take shape of what will be a fantastic new practical training facility.   Everyone is working very hard to get it completed so our students can start working in our brand new facilities straight away. It will […]

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  5. Do you need a Construction NVQ?

    Do you need a Construction NVQ?

    For anyone looking to work in the construction industry or currently working in the industry and you are planning to take the next step, then why not achieve a construction NVQ.   An NVQ will allow you to work on-site in one of the many different trades and will allow you to take your career […]

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  6. Plumbers are needed Worldwide!

    Plumbers are needed Worldwide!

    Plumbing is one of the biggest trades right now and lots of plumbing work is being needed all around the world and especially in the UK.   In the UK the shortage of skilled Plumbers is on the rise, as more people are deciding to make a career change and a lot of them are […]

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  7. Home Study is becoming more and more popular

    Home Study is becoming more and more popular

    One of the most popular career paths right now is within the electrical industry, many people are deciding to train or even re-train as an Electrician as the industry is really booming.   However, for those that decide to switch from their current careers, they will find it hard to make the time available to […]

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  8. Gas training is next for our Plumbing students

    Gas training is next for our Plumbing students

    Monday saw the beginning of a new group starting the three week Gas Managed Learning programme and this is being taught by one of our excellent gas instructors, Richard.   After a week of pipe-skills training for some of these students they are now ready to begin their gas course. They will be learning the […]

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  9. London Cab driver changes career...

    London Cab driver changes career...

    Keith has been one of many effected in the fall of the iconic black cabs in recent years, and him, like so many others have decided to take precautions and train in a new trade if work is limited in the famous London cab.   Lots of black cab drivers has turned to the construction […]

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  10. 3 new tiling students started today!

    3 new tiling students started today!

    Another Monday and another group of excited tiling students ready to get some new skills and possibly start a new career…   Week after week at Able Skills we have many students looking to make a big change in their life and change their career after spending years in the same job. As the weeks […]

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  11. Amazing Carpentry & Joinery projects!

    Amazing Carpentry & Joinery projects!

    Over the past few months at Able Skills hundreds of different students have been in and out training and gaining qualifications for a new career. However, up in our carpentry centre we regularly see some great projects from students on carpentry and joinery courses. A regular carpentry student at Able Skills will begin their first […]

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  12. Steve is back from Australia to train as a Bricklayer!

    Steve is back from Australia to train as a Bricklayer!

    Over the past year Steve has been away travelling the world and since September he has been in Australia, but now he is back to train as a Bricklayer at Able Skills. Whilst Steve has been away his dad has been extremely busy with us at Able Skills. He has completed training in various trades […]

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  13. You are viewing 2340 of 4463 news

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