Regardless of how reliable you are, or how high quality your work is as a tradesman, you could still fail to secure all of the income that you require if you neglect the marketing side of your business. Most tradesman may baulk at the idea of spending their time, effort, and hard earned cash on […]
Did you know you spend about 1/3 of your life counting Zzz? Whether it’s exotic or traditional your bed should be comfortable, stylish, and practical. By sticking to this easy DIY design, you can have your very own handmade bed for far less than the cost of buying a new one. Getting Started The best […]
As a homeowner, you probably have become familiar with certain aspects of your home’s basic plumbing systems; but really knowing your pipes and their intricate infrastructure is a whole other story. Having a grasp on your piping system can help you troubleshoot drainage issues, make simple repairs, and remove and install your plumbing fixtures. Thus, […]
Over time, your shower may begin to lose its luster. Tiles may begin to separate from the walls and pans can become cracked, making your shower look pretty run down. Whether you are renovating your entire bathroom or simply replacing your shower stall, this DIY guide can help you get through the process relatively quickly […]
Today, the Shard stands as an 87 storey glass skyscraper in central London which extends 306 metres into the city’s skyline. It is the tallest building in the European Union and the second tallest free-standing structure in the UK, behind only the concrete tower at the Emley Moor transmitting station. For many people the eye-catching […]
Setting up a business, small or large, can be an exciting and exhilarating experience which will hopefully lead to long term success. However, as is the case with anything that has such potential for reward, it can also sometimes be a difficult and stressful experience. There is no way to avoid the fact that going […]
Nothing says warm and cozy like an indoor brick fireplace. Building your own takes some hard work, but the end result can truly enhance the appeal of your home. To make this project a bit more manageable, try purchasing a fireplace masonry kit. This should include most of the supplies needed to complete this DIY […]
Installing new doors and windows in your home will not only increase its value, it can also reduce energy costs significantly. Tackling these projects yourself can save you a bundle in labor costs; and since doors and windows are available in various sizes and materials, you can usually find “direct swap” replacements for quicker, easier […]
Setting up your first work bench is a brilliant experience – it’s a declaration to yourself that you’re going to knuckle down and take your DIY, personal projects, and repair jobs seriously. Ideally it will be a space where every single item has been specially chosen and organised to give you the best possible chance […]
Ceiling tile installation is one of those things which can easily seem daunting to the average DIY enthusiast, simply because it’s not normally included in the realm of common home and garden maintenance. However, you don’t necessarily need a warehouse of specialist tools or years of experience in order to tile your ceiling successfully. There […]
Installing skirting board on your walls is a relatively simple and low hassle DIY procedure, which can make an incredible impact on the appearance of your room as a whole. A good skirting board setup has the potential to create a brilliant, tidy, well-kept impression almost all by itself. So without further ado, here is […]
“Tearing down a wall” is one of those things that seems like it just has to be both extremely straight forward and extremely satisfying. In reality – while the “satisfying” part might be true, there’s a lot more thought that needs to go into the process than just “how do I make this thing collapse”. […]