Screwfix plans two new stores in Plymouth area
Trade tool supplier Screwfix has announced that it is to open two new stores in the Plymouth area.
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Trade tool supplier Screwfix has announced that it is to open two new stores in the Plymouth area.
Skills shortages are leading to recruitment problems across Europe, a new report has found, and young people are struggling in the jobs market as they lack the right skills.
Cheshire householders are being reminded of the importance of a regular gas safety check, which could have the potential to save their lives.
A Manchester MP has welcomed the roll out of new tech-levels, which he believes will boost vocational training in the UK.
Ffollowing a recent eco gas boiler campaign, there is expected to be a surge of boiler fitting jobs in Winchester.
One MP’s attempts to change the law regarding electrical standards in private rented accommodation could lead to more job opportunities for electrical tradesmen.
A new report has highlighted the cost savings that could be made through switching to renewable energy sources.
Schools across the UK are trying to highlight the dangers of leaky gas appliances through a new competition.
The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) has created a specialist plumbing and heating sector and have taken on a new chairman to oversee it.
A landlord employed an unregistered gas fitter to install a boiler in a property he owned in Luton, putting the lives of his tenants at risk.
New research has shown that plumbers are failing to make the most of social media when it comes to interacting with customers online.
Upgrades to thousands of council houses in Leicestershire have provided opportunities for trainee electricians and plumbers.