Tis the season … for extra plumbing jobs
Winter preparations are creating extra jobs for plumbers in the cold season.
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Winter preparations are creating extra jobs for plumbers in the cold season.
Calls have been made to require landlords in the private rented sector to improve electrical safety checks.
Electricians have seen a notable increase in turnover during the course of 2013 as economic growth starts to gather pace.
A company has offered to fit a new boiler for free for a couple who were struggling to afford a replacement before Christmas.
An upturn in the construction sector looks set to provide electricians with more work over the coming years.
A plumber has found job satisfaction in choosing to work in his trade rather than attend university.
A successful female plumber has shown that other women should not be put off entering a traditonally male-dominated arena.
New initiatives are being rolled out to mark the countdown to the 2014 National Apprenticeship and Skills Week, which is due to kick off in March.
Gas engineers are advised that Baxi has issued a Safety Alert regarding a boiler in conjunction with Gas Safe.
The Electrical Safety Council has confirmed the importance of gaining the relevant skills in the electrical profession, as it highlights the dangers for homeowners of using a non-qualified electrician.
A new report from the TUC has suggested that females are less likely to enter into traditionally male dominated apprenticeships, including those in the construction sector.
Harrogate Borough Council has announced a new drive to boost the number of apprenticeships in the area, as well as encouraging local firms to take on young people.