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  1. Approved Renewable Energy Courses Can Protect The Green Deal Code From Rogue Traders!

    Approved Renewable Energy Courses Can Protect The Green Deal Code From Rogue Traders!

    The ‘Green Deal Code’, launched this month, will make vital financial assistance available to householders around the UK. The scheme will enable more homes to be transformed by the implementation of renewable technologies and key energy saving work carried out by trained and qualified installers, to UKAS requirement – more details on the Green Deal […]

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  2. Plumbing course attendees to be celebrated in NI

    Plumbing course attendees to be celebrated in NI

    Workers on plumbing courses are among the students to be recognised at a Belfast City Hall ceremony later this month. The Plumbing and Mechanical Apprentice of the Year Awards will be hosted by BBC personality Karen Patterson on June 28th, with the awards to be handed out by the Lord Mayor. Derek Poole, an industry […]

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  3. PV training could grow with 'solar revolution'

    PV training could grow with 'solar revolution'

    A leading renewable energy source may have prompted more tradesmen to consider PV training after expounding the virtues of greater investment in solar panels in the UK. Leonie Greene, head of external affairs at the Renewable Energy Association and the Solar Trade Association, wrote in the Guardian that if such microgenerators were fitted to all […]

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  4. Renewable energy courses set for boost in Scotland

    Renewable energy courses set for boost in Scotland

    More technicians in Scotland may consider renewable energy courses after details of a green power project in Girvan were unveiled. Lagan Construction will deliver the multi-million pound facility on the site of a former textile factory, according to the Belfast Telegraph. The wood pellet and biomass power centre is the latest in a string of […]

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  5. Consumers Turn To Renewable Energy Sources As Fuel Bills Rise.

    Consumers Turn To Renewable Energy Sources As Fuel Bills Rise.

    Recent announcements that traditional fuel bills are, once again, expected to rise by as much as 15 per cent by the end of 2011 could also drive more domestic consumers to convert their household to renewable energy sources. Since the start of the FeedIn Tariff Scheme (FiTs) in April 2010, demand has steadily risen around […]

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  6. Technicians with plumbing course qualifications find work on MoD site

    Technicians with plumbing course qualifications find work on MoD site

    A Ministry of Defence (MoD) site in Corsham has described how it has created work for people with a variety of qualifications, including tradesmen who have completed plumbing courses. Defence secretary Liam Fox officially opened the base last month and an Army source has described the positive impact the facility has had on the local […]

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  7. Red tape cut for technicians with electrical course training

    Red tape cut for technicians with electrical course training

    The government's decision to remove red tape for certain energy suppliers could mean less hoops to jump through for some tradesmen with electrical course qualifications. On Monday (June 13th), the Department of Energy and Climate Change revealed that firms with 250,000 customers or fewer will not need to meet the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target or […]

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  8. Plumbing courses may suit people who enjoy practical work

    Plumbing courses may suit people who enjoy practical work

    Anyone who likes doing practical work with their hands may enjoy taking plumbing courses and being employed as a tradesman. While office-based careers suit many individuals, there are plenty of people who prefer to be doing something active in the workplace. Speaking to the Herald Scotland, shipbuilding apprentice Lyndsay Gray explained that she got into […]

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  9. Electrical course graduates may see more requests for light fittings

    Electrical course graduates may see more requests for light fittings

    A home improvement expert has suggested that consumers may aim to add light and space to their properties in the coming months, which is a trend that may affect tradesmen who have completed electrical courses. Jason Orme, editor of Homebuilding & Renovating, suggested that there may be greater uptake of folding and sliding doors if […]

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  10. Renewable energy course graduates could benefit from military investment

    Renewable energy course graduates could benefit from military investment

    Renewable energy courses graduates may gain advantages from military investment, after one organisation claimed spending in this area is set to increase. Pike Research revealed military agencies from across the world are set to boost spending significantly in environmentally-friendly technologies over the next 20 years. Figures from the company estimated expenditure to reach $26.8 billion […]

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  11. Young workers 'faced with difficult career choices'

    Young workers 'faced with difficult career choices'

    It is often the case that young people have to "tread through mud" when first entering the workforce, doing jobs that they do not enjoy simply to pay the bills or to gain valuable experience, it has been stated. Kevin Friery, clinical director at Right Corecare, said under-30s in the UK often find working life […]

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  12. Universities Week 'plays positive role for training'

    Universities Week 'plays positive role for training'

    Individuals across the UK who have taken PV training courses may like to get onboard with Universities Week in 2011. Johnny Rich, editor of, said the week is not really aimed at prospective students, but is more a celebration of the positive impact that higher education has on the UK as a whole. He […]

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  13. You are viewing 3216 of 4453 news

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