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  1. Green Energy Training Scheme Reflects Growing Skills Demand.

    Green Energy Training Scheme Reflects Growing Skills Demand.

    A new training programme for the development of green energy training in key electrical and plumbing skills – solar heating, heat pumps, PV solar and water recycling systems – has just recently been announced by SummetSkills.Once more, highlighting the ever-growing demand for professionally trained and qualified plumbers and electricians ableskilled in green energy installation, the […]

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  2. Importance of plumbing courses highlighted by National Grid

    Importance of plumbing courses highlighted by National Grid

    National Grid has lauded the significance of hiring professionals who have completed plumbing courses when fitting a new boiler. The company's comments were made after more than 100 residents of Maritime Way in Preston were left without gas for a day as a result of an error by an engineer, according to BBC News. National […]

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  3. London statue 'a nod to technicians who have attended plumbing courses'

    London statue 'a nod to technicians who have attended plumbing courses'

    Professionals who have taken plumbing courses may feel a sense of pride when they see a new statue in London. The seven-foot bronze statue is set to be installed next year at Cannon Street station as a nod to plumbers and their role in the history of the City of London, according to the London […]

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  4. Favourable self-build conditions could lead to interest in electrical courses

    Favourable self-build conditions could lead to interest in electrical courses

    Demand for electrical courses could go up if more people take advantage of favourable conditions for self-builds. Tim Doherty, managing director of the National Self Build & Renovation Centre in Swindon, described how the price of property is traditionally the biggest obstacle to such projects, but the economic environment has helped to cut such costs. […]

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  5. Plumbing courses 'a fantastic investment'

    Plumbing courses 'a fantastic investment'

    A home improvement expert has suggested plumbing courses are a great investment for people, as they can teach individuals how to carry out a variety of tasks around the house. Build It editor Anna-Marie Desouza suggested homeowners are often not ambitious enough with their DIY projects. She accepted that people should not attempt tricky tasks […]

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  6. Heating Control Rules Change In New Version Part L Building Regs.

    Heating Control Rules Change In New Version Part L Building Regs.

    As of October 2010, the new version of Part L of the Building Regulations came into force, updating the 1995 requirements for new and replacement heating systems. Incorporated within the new rules are stipulations for both a zone valve and a room thermostat to be fitted to new system heating zones and all radiators installed […]

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  7. Solar water heating could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    Solar water heating could lead to greater interest in plumbing courses

    An environmental expert has predicted that the popularity of solar water heating could be set to rise, which could inspire more technicians to take plumbing courses. Renewable Energy UK representative Neil McNiven claimed that this sustainable energy generation technique could compete with fossil fuels in terms of price. In his view, the use of solar […]

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  8. Electrical course attendees may enjoy international links

    Electrical course attendees may enjoy international links

    Link-ups between the UK and nearby countries could see electrical course students enjoy international partnerships if they find employment in the energy supply sector. UK media relations manager at National Grid Stewart Larque explained that electricity transmission deals with Norway and The Netherlands are being negotiated, while an agreement with France is already in place. […]

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  9. Reward schemes could lead to more work for electrical course attendees

    Reward schemes could lead to more work for electrical course attendees

    Engineers studying electrical course qualifications may find more employment opportunities as a result of green energy reward systems offered by the government. spokesperson Matt Hunt highlighted incentives such as those relating to photovoltaic generators as being the sort of initiatives that are keeping many customers interested in environmentally-friendly technology. The installation of green energy […]

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  10. Electrical course attendees may be required for green installations

    Electrical course attendees may be required for green installations

    Technicians who have completed an electrical course relating to green technology may be needed more in the future, if one industry commentator is correct about a new trend in the construction sector. Anwar Harland-Khan, chief executive of Sustain Worldwide, claimed that a premium will soon be placed on properties that incorporate environmentally-friendly techniques and devices […]

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  11. Plumbing courses 'may promote loyalty'

    Plumbing courses 'may promote loyalty'

    Sending employees on work-related training such as plumbing courses could encourage them to feel a greater sense of loyalty to a firm. This is the view of Sarah Clover, a spokesperson for, who described vocational qualifications as being a great way for companies to ensure their staff have the right knowledge. Training such as […]

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  12. Plumbing courses could be more profitable than other qualifications

    Plumbing courses could be more profitable than other qualifications

    An online source has suggested the jobs achieved by people who take vocational training such as plumbing courses can often lead to better salaries than other more conventional qualifications. This is the view of Iampav, who posted a reply to an Independent article on the newspaper's website, saying that vocational education has in the past […]

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