Tradespersons with electrical qualifications could benefit from a new Building Schools for the Future (BSF) scheme recently announced by Equitix. According to the building consortium, which includes Galliford Try, Kier Eastern, RH Partnership and Make Architects, it has been named as a preferred bidder on the £600 million project that will rebuild and refurbish "the […]
A predicted influx of prime property onto the market over the next few months could lead to a boost in employment opportunities for workers who have taken electrician training courses. recently revealed that it had identified more than 10,000 prime property sellers in England in December 2009 who had not yet found an agent […]
Workers who have taken electrician training courses might find that their services are currently in demand after the Bank of England announced that mortgage approvals increased in November. According to the organisation, the number of home loan deals agreed in November 2009 rose from 57,718 in October to 60,518. Furthermore, there were 24,897 remortgaging approvals […]
One New Year resolution that is often made is to finally take that decisive step and change an unsatisfying career! With a new decade just beginning, the time may be just right for decisive action which will determine the next ten years of working life.For some employed in those occupations or industries particularly affected by […]
Workers who have gained their approved plumbing qualifications by taking a training course could find that they earn more than other tradespersons, it has been revealed. Guardian writer Steve Chamberlain recently set out on a day of work experience as a plumber as part of a feature for the publication and was told by industry […]
Tradespersons with approved plumbing qualifications could find that they are inundated with requests for their services if the cold snap continues. American plumber Tom Wahl from Elgin, Illinois, recently told the Courier-News that freezing weather will usually lead to problems with frozen pipes, which could potentially cause severe water damage in homes. "Usually, you need […]
Tradespersons who have taken a gas training course and are on the Gas Safe Register could find that their expertise is increasingly called upon to help with home improvement projects after a man was burned by an ignited gas leak. According to the Lancashire Telegraph, the Accrington male suffered flash burns to his face after […]
Workers who have taken a plumber training course need to be consulted first in the event of a common problem experienced by many households in the winter, according to Ed del Grande. The plumbing expert, writing for HGTVPro, advised homeowners who hear a gurgling sound emanating from the bathtub when the toilet is flushed in […]
Workers who have approved plumbing qualifications are needed to ensure homeowners do not put their health at risk attempting to thaw out frozen pipes, Ace at the Curve has suggested. It was recently reported by Steamboat Today that two mobile homes in Routt County, Colorado, had been burnt down after their owners attempted to tackle […]
The importance of tradespersons to society has been reinforced by a story published this week in American newspaper the Herald-Mail. According to the publication, 78 year-old widow Lillian Maggio, who is recovering from hip surgery, was facing a difficult Christmas Day after her hot water boiler started leaking, causing water damage in her garage. She […]
British homeowners should frequently seek the help of tradespersons with approved plumbing qualifications to ensure their property is best prepared for the winter weather. This is the opinion of the Co-operative Insurance, which offered a number of tips on how to weather-proof homes faced with severe weather conditions. According to the Met Office, heavy snowfall […]
Industry professionals who have approved electrical qualifications should be consulted before carrying out certain DIY schemes, it has been revealed by Energex. According to company spokesperson Mike Swanston, electricity is a common hazard for home renovators as wires and cables are often well-concealed in the walls, floors or ceilings of a property. He commented that […]