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4463 Items
  1. Tradespersons could find work after Scotland funding

    Tradespersons could find work after Scotland funding

    Millions of pounds worth of funding has been set aside for the construction of new council houses - which could give industry professionals with approved electrical or plumbing qualifications employment opportunities. It was recently revealed that some £24 million is to be allocated to supply a further 954 such properties in the country, bringing the […]
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  2. Those with approved plumbing qualifications could benefit from advice

    Those with approved plumbing qualifications could benefit from advice

    Workers who have recently gained their approved plumbing qualifications after finishing a training course and are looking to boost their employment prospects have been encouraged to head onto the Boilerguide website. According to the company, the online resource could be an ideal place to advertise plumbers’ services and also let homeowners know how much they […]

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  3. Workers with approved qualifications 'essential to boiler scheme'

    Workers with approved qualifications 'essential to boiler scheme'

    Industry experts who have approved plumbing qualifications and have taken relevant training courses are integral to the new boiler scrappage scheme, according to the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE). Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, announced on Wednesday in his pre-Budget report plans for the programme, which would see British homeowners given […]

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  4. Pre-Budget Report Announces Scrappage Scheme for Home Boilers

    Pre-Budget Report Announces Scrappage Scheme for Home Boilers

    A scrappage scheme that will pay people to replace old boilers with new ones has been announced in Chancellor Alistair Darling’s December 2009 pre-Budget report.The construction industry campaign has been attempting for some time to persuade the government to introduce a boiler scrappage scheme – which had the support of all the main political parties […]

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  5. Plumbers may become integral to new boiler scrappage scheme

    Plumbers may become integral to new boiler scrappage scheme

    Tradespersons with approved plumbing qualifications could find themselves in demand after chancellor of the exchequer Alistair Darling announced details of a new boilers scrappage scheme for the UK in his pre-Budget report yesterday (December 9th). Planned to get underway next year, the scheme will involve homeowners who have old, energy-inefficient boilers being given £400 by […]

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  6. Increasing homebuyers could offer electricians more work

    Increasing homebuyers could offer electricians more work

    Tradespersons who have taken electrician training courses and have consequently earned their approved electrical qualifications could find that increasing numbers of homebuyers require their services when moving into a new property. According to figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), 55,300 mortgages were agreed during October, which is a growth of nine per cent […]

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  7. Approved plumbers may find themselves in demand over Christmas

    Approved plumbers may find themselves in demand over Christmas

    Workers who have taken plumbing training courses could find that their services are increasingly needed over the festive period after it was revealed by AXA that pipe damage affected a large proportion of homes at the turn of the year. According to research by the financial services company, cold weather in January this year led […]

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  8. Workers with approved qualifications 'could help save lives'

    Workers with approved qualifications 'could help save lives'

    Industry professionals with approved electrical qualifications could make a big difference in keeping homeowners safe, according to a Bradford electrician. The Telegraph & Argus revealed today (December 9th) that Liam Stone has decided to offer free safety checks on houses in the region, after becoming worried that increased numbers of people are carrying out botched […]

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  9. Kitty shows women plumbers how it's done

    Kitty shows women plumbers how it's done

    Plumbing training courses could become something more women want to consider after the Arizona Republic reported on Kathryn ‘Kitty’ Maloney-Langmade, who recently became president of her father’s plumbing business. According to the American publication, she took over the family company – W.J. Maloney Plumbing – in May this year, which boasts a series of high-profile […]

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  10. Tradespersons affected by asbestos 'need to be compensated'

    Tradespersons affected by asbestos 'need to be compensated'

    Plumbers, electricians and other industry professionals who have fallen ill as a result of exposure to asbestos deserve compensation from the government according to the Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT). In a statement released yesterday (December 7th), UCATT called for more priority to be given to helping pleural plaques sufferers at the […]

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  11. Trainee scheme 'highlights need for skills'

    Trainee scheme 'highlights need for skills'

    Workers on electrician or plumber training courses could take inspiration from a recent project in Knottingley and try to get on an apprenticeship scheme. According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, a recently-completed £12 million housing development in the Yorkshire town gave 45 trainees the chance to work on the project over a period of three […]

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  12. Retraining as an electrician has never been more easier!

    Retraining as an electrician has never been more easier!

    As Britain slowly recovers from recession, the competition for jobs is going to be tough! More than ever before, it is important to get yourself the skills and qualifications that will set you apart from everyone else who will be applying for the same job as you.There are good reasons to now rethink your career […]
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  13. You are viewing 4152 of 4463 news

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