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4463 Items
  1. Plumbing courses could help homeowners add value

    Plumbing courses could help homeowners add value

    The recession has had an effect on many people, with homeowners seeing the most problems. For people that cannot afford to make significant green changes, Andrew Leech, director of the National Home Improvement Council, has suggested that insulation could be a cheap way around it. "One thing we would urge people to do if they […]

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  2. Social housing boosts construction jobs

    Social housing boosts construction jobs

    The construction industry has received a boost thanks to social housing projects set by the government. That is the conclusion of research by the Glenigan Index, which has indicated that there was an increase in social housing projects year-on-year in the second quarter of 2009. However there was still a decline of 16 per cent […]

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  3. Less people making home improvements

    Less people making home improvements

    There has been a drop in the number of people planning to make structural changes to their homes. The findings come from Sainsbury’s Home Insurance, which has found that 13 per cent of homeowners are planning work on their homes in the next year. Andrew Leech, director of the National Home Improvement Council, said that […]

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  4. RICS 'encouraged' by housing start news

    RICS 'encouraged' by housing start news

    The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has welcomed recent positive news regarding the number of housing starts. According to the Communities and Local Government department, the second quarter of 2009 saw a rise in housing starts and completions. Brigid O'Leary, senior economist at RICS, said: "It was encouraging to note that housing completions rose […]
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  5. East London's Kinetica building to feature unusual cladding

    East London's Kinetica building to feature unusual cladding

    A new construction in east London is to use special cladding to drive air through wind turbines. According to, the 14-story Kinetica apartment building in Dalston, will have 15 per cent of its energy supplies provided through the special cladding, which has been developed by James & Taylor. Associate at Waugh Thistleton Architects, Mark […]
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  6. Sprung a leak ? Don't do things at half cock - learn plumbing basics!

    Sprung a leak ? Don't do things at half cock - learn plumbing basics!

    It is not the time to start looking for the stop cock when water is leaking through the ceiling! Far better to have this knowledge before hand, so you can deal quickly with sudden emergencies, so if you are moving into a new home or don’t know where the stop cock is in your property, […]

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  7. The upturn is coming - train now for the new world of work !

    The upturn is coming - train now for the new world of work !

    Technology, cheap foreign labour and the economic collapse are transforming the employment market. And as the months roll by, more and people are asking themselves the question: what is it I actually do? It appears that white collar skills are just not valued any more. Services which once required sitting in offices in central London […]

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  8. Expert urges boiler servicing in summer

    Expert urges boiler servicing in summer

    Now is a good time for boilers to be serviced. That is the opinion of David Holmes, founder of Boilerguide, who said that despite it still being summer it is a good idea to check that systems are still working now before the cold begins to bite. "Boilers should be serviced every year so why […]

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  9. New housing development plans for North Yorkshire

    New housing development plans for North Yorkshire

    Craven District Council has awarded a £35 million contract to develop new houses in North Yorkshire. Lovell and Maple Grove Developments have been chosen by the council to construct 220 homes, 132 of which will be for sale on the open market. The remainder of the homes will be build for low-cost home ownership and […]

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  10. Construction jobs on the line in Northern Ireland

    Construction jobs on the line in Northern Ireland

    The board of a new multi-million pound arts centre in Belfast is blaming the Northern Irish executive for holding up funds and construction jobs. Jorris Minne, chairman of the centre has claimed that over 400 jobs are being delayed because of a lack of funds. The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure has not yet […]

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  11. Underfloor heating suggested for new homes

    Underfloor heating suggested for new homes

    Any homeowners that are considering building their own property should give thought to underfloor heating. Boilerguide has urged homeowners to consider the system as a cost-effective alternative. David Holmes, founder of Boilerguide, said that underfloor heating was a good way of "economising a property whilst also adding value to it". He added: "Underfloor heating can […]
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  12. Scottish building industry in 'crisis'

    Scottish building industry in 'crisis'

    There is a crisis in the Scottish construction industry. That is according to the country’s Labour leader Iain Gray, who has urged the Scottish government to address the issue. Mr Gray has claimed that there has been a drop in public investment in the sector since the Scottish National Party won the election in the […]

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  13. You are viewing 4380 of 4463 news

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