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- It will kill you - that's a fact! The problem now is that the current economic downturn could result in an increase in fatalities linked to unsafe gas and electrical installations. Research carried out for the new Gas Safe Registry reveals over 4 in 10 people (41.4%) admit they are more likely to tinker with […]Read article
Train to Gain can take the strain!
Read articleIt probably goes without saying that one of the biggest obstacles to taking the plunge and applying to go on a course of training is the cost factor. So if you haven’t got enough savings, or anxious about using any redundancy money or tax rebates you prefer to hold onto now in these uncertain times, […]
Get PAT Testing off pat !
Read articleAccording to research conducted at the end of 2008, product recalls had reached a record high of 230 over the year, an increase of 20% compared to the previous year. Consumer goods saw the biggest increase from 91 cases in 2006-07 to 120 during 2007-08. 40% of the consumer goods recalled were made in China. […]
Bend It Like Plumbers ! Learn how its done from home!
Read article‘…One of the most important skills a plumber should possess is the ability to bend pipes of various materials quickly and accurately. Copper tube is probably one of the most widely used materials for both hot and water cold water supply and domestic heating and it is essential that a plumber can bend it quickly […]
Understanding the 'dual flush button' will put your finger on the pulse!
Read articleFor a small feature, it has a mighty job to do – to correctly flush away the relevant waste material from your WC!The development of the water closet, from its humble beginnings as a box filled with earth through to the well known high level ‘chain-pull’ and low level lever type, has suddenly accelerated in […]
Service personnel see action at AbleSkills!
Read articleOne popular destination on civvy street for personnel leaving the Armed Forces, or other defence services, is the construction industry. However, keeping your boots polished won’t be necessary on a skills training course – just steel tipped! Being physically fit for some of the more demanding challenges of the building or plumbing industry is a […]
If you're planning to emmigrate and work abroad, then NVQs can still be OK for you to use!
Read articleBut you do need to double-check first! In popular destination countries like Australia and New Zealand, the regulatory bodies will have their own official certificated qualifications that are mostly accepted and broadly recognised as equivalent to the UK’s City & Guild NVQ at the appropriate Grade, in their officially listed trade occupations.However, you will also […]
Plumbing theory - just a couple of hours study every week at home is all you need !
Read articleIt’s not so difficult as you think! The Plumbing 6129 Level 2 Theory is just one training manual only and this is divided into less than a dozen easy sections for instant reference . After each section there are handy self assessment questions to test if you can remember the key points. Once you’ve got […]
Hot opportunities in the Gas industry !
Read articleBelieve it or not, there really are some recession proof industries out there!Gas installation and maintenance is one of them, by the look of some of the roles required to be filled at British Gas, to name just one large UK utilities employer. Currently, at British Gas, positions exist for qualified and skilled individuals of […]
Glossing over the preparation can give you mixed emulsions!
Read articlePainting and decorating – we can all do it, right ? Wrong! Even the simple procedure of ‘cutting in’ exactly where the wall meets the ceiling can betray an amateur hand! Or not understanding about the many different types of paints now available and when and how to use them. There is a hidden art […]
Getting plastered..! That's what your walls will need to be if we have another summer scorcher !
Read articleAnyone whose house is close to a large tree – like an oak – or situated on a steep incline, will know the damage that is likely caused during a long hot summer. The tree’s roots draw up all available moisture leading to the soil drying out, contraction and slippage. The first you’ll know about […]
Tiling doesn't have to crack you up!
Yes it does' you scream back as you read this! That's because it's likely you have not got those little 'how-to' tips under your belt. Tiling your own bathroom or kitchen has become almost the standard, universal 'must have a go' challenge. Everyone you know seems to do it. This will ultimately lead to the […]Read article