Not every day we have student that strives for qualifications as much as Andrew Fleming. Starting his journey with us earlier in 2018, Andrew has worked extremely hard to achieve his current qualifications and is still working for more with our electrical courses. This is his story on how he got started.
A few months ago, Andrew enrolled onto our City & Guilds Level 2 Plumbing Course as he went in search for a new career. Andrew is very experienced in owning his own company, as previously he owned his own catering business along with his family. However, he decided it was time to go down and a new career path and has left his business in the safe and capable hands of his family members.
Andrew’s search for a new career led him to Able Skills where he began his plumbing training. He completed a successful six weeks of training with Jim in our plumbing centre. Since then he has not stood still, he kept going and is set for big things in his new career venture. Along with his plumbing classmates he joined one of our gas training courses and continued his training with Sam. Andrew really come into his own during his gas course and had very high praise for Sam after completion of his course:
“Sam was just brilliant. Perfect balance of humour and teaching. The course was well balanced and the facility in Unit 3 is just perfect. Nice class size meant we all worked well together and could help one another out. Felt that Sam's experience and advice has helped enormously. Thanks Sam”

Andrew during his Gas Course
However, Andrew did not stop at Plumbing and Gas, just this week Andrew began training in our electrical centre with our City & Guilds Level 2 Electrical Courses. After being here for such a period of time, he knew it was perfect to carry on training with our electrical courses. After just one week of training and doing yet another health and safety exam, Andrew is really enjoying his electrical training.
Already looking ahead, Andrew is getting his new company set up under the name of ‘Andrew Fleming LTD’ and started accepting mostly plumbing work as he is waiting to begin his gas portfolio after his electrical courses. Although he has started looking at work, Andrew isn’t planning to stop his training, he is already looking at the Level 3 Electrical course but as the Home Study option.
Travelling up from Buckinghamshire has meant Andrew has taken place in our accommodation during his time with us and has praised how well it works and the value for money.
Andrew has been a fantastic student and each tutor he has come across has had nothing but great words to say about him and his attitude to learning and bettering himself in his new career. We at Able Skills would like to wish Andrew the best of luck during his remaining courses with us and on his new business venture.
If you would like to go for a new career path like Andrew, then find out more from our Plumbing Courses, Gas Courses and Electrical Courses by calling 01322 280 202 now!