More jobs could be created in the construction sector, after the government has announced a programme of work stretching over a 40-year period.

Standing out from the crowd may be important for those who want a chance at getting a job under the initiative and undertaking plumbing training courses could be one way of doing so.

In order to ensure the UK's carbon reduction commitments are met, the Low Carbon Construction Innovation and Growth Team has identified opportunities for the construction sector.

As well as the programme of work, it was also suggested that firms within the building industry could help "excite" future recruits by a greener way of working.

With the likelihood for central heating systems to be overhauled to make way for more energy-efficient devices, people who have gained qualifications on plumbing training courses could be in demand.

Business minister Ian Lucas said: "The construction industry provides huge value to the economy and the government will not be able to hit its low carbon targets without the active engagement and participation of the whole sector."

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills also announced that New National Skills Academies will de developed to progress five new sectors including green building services.

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