Here at Able Skills we are experts at providing straightforward yet comprehensive training options for electricians. Unfortunately we cannot currently conduct in-centre training in accordance with the government's guidelines. However we are doing our best to provide remote training options including our Home-Study Level 2 & 3 courses that are currently available to anybody looking to start a new career!

Why is there a demand?
Simply, there are not enough qualified electricians in the UK. There is a few different reasons for this including an aging population of electricians and a decreased interest in the trade. Young people are not as interested as they should be in the trade sector which has slowed the process of bringing new electricians in the industry, ultimately leaving a gap. In short, there is no reason for this, there are endless opportunities in the industry and even the prospect of becoming self-employed and starting a business of your own. Having the right skills and qualifications from a trusted centre like Able Skills means a career for life!
What does it mean for the industry?
The total number of electricians is failing to keep up with the current demand and it’s a chance for skilled associate trades to capitalise, whether you are employed or work for yourself. The shortage of electricians has meant that skilled tradespeople have become more valuable and have seen a huge increase in their workload and earnings. It is expected that with the number of vital jobs rising and the skills shortage growing, wage inflation will continue until workforce numbers increase. Making it a great time for people to be considering a career in the trade and learning the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the world of electrics.
Why should you consider a career in the trade?
Firstly, the trade is constantly in demand and is a highly desirable trade. The services of electricians are used on almost all projects from commercial & industrial to domestic. Secondly, you can profit from the high demand and help fill the skills gap in the industry taking advantage of the increased earnings. London in particular is the most effected place and has the largest shortage of electricians. Finally, there are opportunities within the smart technology area installing smart meters, renewable energy sources and so on that can be taken advantage of by electricians and other traders.
How do I get started?
You can book our Home Study Electrics Level 2 course with us over the phone on 01322 280 202 - Over the phone we can answer any questions or concerns that you have and secure your place on the course. This is the perfect starting point on the route towards a 'Gold Card'. This JIB issued card allows you to work on any site and in the industry is seen as the stamp of approval for electricians.
Once booked, we will prepare your pack immediately and have it delivered to your address. The 'Home-Study Pack' includes the relevant City & Guilds text books and our own folder that includes all of the relevant theory information for the qualification including example questions so that you can test yourself along the way. We will also include contact details for one of our expert instructors just in case you get stuck at any point during your studies.
By undertaking this ‘Home Study’ electrical course, you are effectively replacing your access to an instructor in a classroom environment with a home learning theory pack. As this is the case, we have put together very comprehensive study packs to ‘replace the tutor’ allowing you to study your electrician course at home. However, please be aware that should you fail an exam at the centre, we do offer a free re-sit – hopefully this will take the pressure off if you feel that you haven’t devoted enough time to the home learning. Once we are able to return to in-centre training you will book 4-weeks to take on the practical side!

Contact us:
For more information on any of the training options that we offer, give us a call on 01322 280 202! We are happy to help in any way that we can whether you are looking to secure your place on a course or simply ask some questions.