The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) has assembled an emergency team of skilled plumbers, electricians and building maintenance staff to ensure that any problems within the Olympic Village can be tackled swiftly and effectively.
Around 600 skilled contractors are on hand to be called in at a moment’s notice to take care of operations and maintenance issues at the Olympic venues and in the athletes’ accommodation.
An ODA spokesman told industry magazine, Construction News, that the builders, carpenters and other tradesmen had been drafted in from across London and the South East of England to make sure that all eventualities and situations are covered.
“The services provided to LOCOG include planned and preventative maintenance, and rapid response to any issues that may arise in all buildings,” the spokesman said. “We will also be responsible for asset management and maintenance of all roads, security plazas, transport malls, bridges, retaining structures, waterways and soft landscape areas and external lighting.”
The ‘rapid response’ team shows that the creation of construction and maintenance jobs for the initial construction of the impressive Olympic Park is continuing throughout the games, and will carry on once the Paralympic Games have been completed, when the venues and 3,000 apartments in the village will need to be converted to fit their future uses.