Electrician Training at Able Skills
There's more than one way to becoming an Electrician! Don't just think full time courses Monday to Friday, think a little more outside the box. Able Skills has been delivering flexible learning options for quite some time now and the best thing about them is that it means becoming a Fully Qualified Electrician is now a whole lot easier than it used to be!
Today we'll be talking about two routes available for anyone looking to kick start a career as an Electrician who may be tied down with existing work or family commitments. Being big on flexibility, let's see if you knew we offered the following choices!
Weekend Electrician Training
In addition to our full time Electrical Courses and Electrician Training, we offer a huge variety of courses on Saturdays and Sundays too. Yep, this means you can achieve a City & Guilds Qualification by only training 2 days a week.
This include courses like the City & Guilds Level 2, Level 3, 18th Edition (Friday, Saturday & Sunday), NVQ Level 3 and we even hold assessments in our exclusive AM2 Centre! All these options are available on weekends to give you extra freedom when it comes to going for a career you really want. We understand it can be difficult to train towards something new when you have to work during the week and can't commit to say a 6 or 7 week full time course.
The best part is you can earn as you learn as you'll be able to train alongside your existing job! This applies for our next option too...
Home Study Electrical Courses
Now this is an option more and more people are being made aware of. Being hugely popular amongst aspiring electricians out there, ask yourself, 'Why didn't I know about this option?'. It's nothing new! Able Skills have been delivering flexible Electrician Courses like this one for quite some time now and it's safe to say we always have a full house! Tell me more...
So here's how it works... You learn the theory in your own time before coming in and undergoing your practical training and assessments. Upon enrollment, we send you out what's called a Home Study Pack. This includes everything you need to know with regards to the theoretical aspect of either the Level 2 or Level 3 Electrical Course as we offer both courses on a Home Study basis.

Able Skills Electrical Courses and Electrician Training Are City & Guilds Accredited
Learning in stages, you only call us up to book your first practical week when you feel comfortable to do so. Don't feel up to scratch with the theory? That's fine, take your time! There's no rush and the whole point of undergoing a Home Study Electrical Course is to train around your existing commitments, whether this means training around your current role or looking after the kids.
You'll be in centre for a total of four practical weeks and when completed, you'll have the exact same City & Guilds Qualification as the full time students!
Don't Hesitate!
If you're seriously considering one of the above routes, please don't hesitate to reach out and get some more info. Feel free to call us anytime between 8.30 and 4.30 on 01322 280 202 or even pay us a visit in person! We're open 7 days a week and would love to show you our Electrical Courses and Electrician Training in action!
For an extensive list of all learning options for these courses, please click here.