Continuing our Student Stories series, we caught up with Connor in April.

In preparation for a new job as part of a plumbing team in a construction firm, Connor did Level 2 Plumbing (City & Guilds 6035-02).

Even though he had experience in the industry, he was still amazed by what he learnt during the plumbing course at Able Skills. Looking forward, he hopes to add gas training to his skill set sometime in the future.

What course are you doing?

I’m enrolled on the Plumbing Level 2 Diploma (6035). I’m five and half weeks through now.

Why are you doing this course?

It was a bit of a career change. I’d looked into all different things and plumbing seemed the most interesting, to be honest. I was jumping from job to job, so it seemed the most appropriate thing to do really, to get the qualification quickly.

I started with a company who do across the board construction, but I’ll be going into the plumbing team. Obviously, I needed the qualification for that.

How did you find out about Able Skills and why did you choose us?

I did some research online. I’m based in Sidcup, so fairly near, but it also seemed to be one of the best reviewed ones. Other places were similar, but looking at the facilities, and the layout, it seemed like somewhere that would suit me, to be honest. It’s hands-on. There is classroom work, obviously, but there are a lot of bays of hands-on, so it seemed like a very good set up.

How have you found the plumbing course content and instructors?

I thought I’d steam through it. I thought I knew more than I did! Some topics are pretty hard. I found it challenging, like the science behind it, but other things that I know quite a bit about like hot water, I found a bit easier. Different people on the course have found different things easier and harder. Challenging at times!

I love big Mike! He explains things perfectly and we’ll all talk after class if you’ve got any problems.

Have you enjoyed the plumbing course at Able Skills?

I’ve really, really enjoyed it to be fair. Well worth the six weeks and what I’ve learned. I’d recommend it to anybody. I thought I knew a lot about it and thought of myself as a plumber before, but I certainly wasn’t!

What are your plans once you finish the course?

Eventually, I want to do gas, that’s the plan, to get full whack. I’m going to go out and do some plumbing beforehand and get some on-site experience and feel comfortable going into peoples’ homes. Then the plan is to come back and do the gas – training and portfolio.