Being a first time buyer is becoming increasingly difficult in todays housing market. With more and more people renting homes its essential landlords are abiding by UK Law and ensuring all house appliances are deemed safe for residency. With that said its been said that ‘Accidental landlords’ as they're being referred to could be putting their tenants lives at risk because they are not aware of their legal obligations.
HPM Mag reported that according to the law, landlords are obliged to ensure gas appliances in the homes are checked annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer and must provide their tenants with a Gas Safety Certificate within 28 days of the annual check taking place.
However, with such strict law set in stone, why is it that one in six homes still hold a dangerous gas appliance? Lets not forget, such faulty gas appliances can lead to gas fires putting tenants under huge risk.
Did you know...over 4000 people go to hospital due to carbon monoxide poisoning! Landlords need to make sure they're up to scratch with the latest standards detailing that every household under tenancy needs a smoke alarm, as well as carbon monoxide alarms in rooms with a solid fuel appliance.
The landlord or owner must also ensure that the house's complete electrical work are maintained in a safe condition throughout the tenancy and electrical appliances must be checked when a new tenant enters, in addition to the 'every 5 year standard'.
HPM Mag further reported that a survey by Gas Tag discovered that many tenants are not even aware of the legal obligations of their landlords.
In its survey of people renting across the UK, Gas Tag found that:
- 28% either didn’t have or did not know if their rented home had a Gas Safety Certificate – the legal requirement;
- Almost a quarter (24%) did not think their landlord was obliged to install a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm if there was a solid fuel burning source like wood or coal;
- 81% did not know that a landlord is responsible for checking all electrical appliances every time a new tenant moves into a property;
- 50% still think their gas engineer should be Corgi registered – it changed to Gas Safe Register almost 10 years ago;
- 36% wrongly thought they were – rather than the landlord was – responsible for electrical safety in the rented home;
- Almost a third (29%) did not realise you should call the National Grid helpline on 0845 835 1111 if they smell gas in or around the home.
Make sure you keep up to date with the latest regulations! Plenty of information can always be found here as well as on our gas courses!