The Boiler Fault Finding Course at Able Skills

Tyrone On The Boiler Fault Finding Course
Able Skills has yet another Boiler Fault Finding Course running this week with an entirely new group of students looking to increase their skill set. Amongst this group is student Tyrone Tash who when speaking to, clearly has a positive mind set and is solely focused on being the best he can be.
Not only is he NVQ Qualified, but Tyrone is a Master Plumber who even runs his own successful company based in the London area called 24-7 TT Plumbing & Heating. Now we thought we would catch up with Tyrone and ask him how he's finding the course and what he wants to achieve when he's finished... So without further ado, let's find out a little more about Tyrone!
So Why The Boiler Fault Finding Course?
Well I've been working as a Plumber for 15 years now and the amount of work I've had to turn down is crazy! I've been offered so much work on top of all the Plumbing work I do and I said to myself, I really need to get the Boiler Fault Finding Course done and dusted!
I looked around online and I came across Able Skills Gas Training Courses on Google and even saw your videos on Youtube. Being impressed with what I saw, I noticed you offered the Boiler Faulting Finding Course and was happy I finally found one that will let me expand my business.
How Are You Finding It Thus Far?
Very good! I'm only on day 3 and I feel so confident already. The teaching is spot on and I'm happy I took the risk when signing up. I was really happy that it was 5 days as apposed to just a day or two like other places because realistically, you can't learnt a lot in only 2 days. It's a very in-depth and competent course and I couldn't have asked for more.
Plans Immediately After The Course?
Well I'm going to add Boiler Repairs in addition to my Plumbing services straight away. You really won't believe the amount of money I'm missing out on and it will be nice to not have to say no for once!

Able Skills Gas Training Courses are Bpec Accredited
It's very refreshing speaking to students who are clearly driven and are looking to be the strongest version of themselves. We wish Tyrone nothing but the best for the future and if anyone needs any Plumbing or Boiler Repair Work done, feel free to get in contact with Tyrone at www.TTPlumbingheating.co.uk or on 0208 226 6066.
In the mean time, if you're looking to follow in Tyrone's footsteps and enroll onto the Boiler Fault Finding Course or any of our other Gas Training Courses, please click here.