We still are offering 'Home-Study' Plumbing courses!
At this moment in time with the pandemic still keeping us from operating, as usual, we are offering a 'Home-Study' option for our Plumbing level 2 course! This option will allow you to get started now whilst at home, you will receive all of the materials you need to begin your journey towards becoming a professional plumber. Taking on the theory learning at home is a productive way to spend this current downtime!

Plumbing courses here at Able Skills!
You can get started now by calling 01322 280 202 / or by emailing info@ableskills.co.uk at home with our Home Study Level 2 Plumbing Course option is a great way to get learning in your own time and space. This course works by giving you the materials needed to learn the theory surrounding the trade of plumbing, our 'Home-Study Pack' will include everything you need and can be sent to you straight away! This course is designed to reduce the total amount of time needed at our centre, however, we do recommend that you take your time with these materials and that you don't rush in any way. You will need to make sure that you fully understand all of the information that you are being presented with before attending our training facility...You can book the course now, we will send you the materials needed to understand the theory and once we are back open here in Dartford, Kent you can book time for practical learning and assessments!
Contact us:
To gain more information about our 'Home-Study' Plumbing courses or any other training that we provide, just email info@ableskills.co.uk Following the government's advice is critical to protecting the NHS and saving lives. However, during this time do your research and take a look through our website at Plumbing courses and the many different courses that we offer and prepare yourself as best you can. We are happy to bring you this 'Home-Study' option that you can get started with right away! Many thanks to all of the students bearing with the current situation we will work hard to get you back on track and to aspiring traders we hope to see you soon!