Plumbing Courses at Able Skills
You don't have to attend Monday To Friday just to get a City & Guilds accredited Plumbing Qualification. Able Skills Plumbing Courses allow aspiring students to gain the same qualifications on weekends to make learning towards a new career that much more flexible!
Today we'll speak about the Plumbing Courses we offer on weekends to give you a better idea of just how flexible Able Skills can be!
The Introduction To Plumbing Course
The Introduction is designed exactly for anyone who wants a taste for what they can realistically expect from a career in Plumbing. We'll take you on a 5 day journey which ensures you gain some basic Plumbing skills and prepares you for a more in depth course which can get you working on site like the Level 2...
Here's what you can expect to learn on the Domestic Introduction To Plumbing Course:
- Plumbing systems and fittings
- Soldering techniques
- Jointing, bending and pressure testing copper tube
- Dealing with valves, taps, cisterns
- Plumbing pipework
The Level 2 Plumbing Course
Here's a course that's ideal for anyone completely new to the industry or those who hold some experience. Students will be able to find work on site or even their own work after successfully passing the course. Covering a great range of material, this really has produced a perfect in depth course for anyone looking to get stuck into the world of plumbing!
The Level 2 Plumbing Course For Experienced Workers

Able Skills Plumbing Courses Are City & Guilds Accredited
We even offer a Level 2 qualification for those who are experienced plumbers but do not hold formal qualifications. To get going on such course, we require evidence of 3 years worth of experience and for you to undertake some home study of yourself to prepare you for computer based exams at our centre. Your practical skills are of course assessed at our centre too!
If you feel stuck for time not being able to train towards a new a career during the week, all we ask is you inquire about the Plumbing Courses we offer on weekends! Please click here for even more information and we'd love to see you in our centre for a look around!