Well these students seen above are all doing different things! The duo you see here in the first part of the video are both working on a gas fire installation.
This is of course a common job a Gas Safe Registered Engineer would come across in a real life scenario. One student is seen preparing the actual fire place for installation while his partner is using his pipe skills he would have previously learnt at the start of the course. Students shown here are currently on their 6th week of the 7 Week New Entrants Gas Training Course.
We then move onto another student working in the end bay of the practical area who is also working on his pipe skills. More specifically, he is actually installing pipe work while gaining a deeper understanding of what it takes to service the given work.

Able Skills Gas Training Courses are Bpec Accredited
Here's What Else They Have Been Learning:
- Cutting and measuring copper tube accurately
- Pipe-work preparation for soldering
- Soldering techniques / Practicing soldering / soldering assessments
- X and Z dimension calculations
- Cutting assembling and soldering practice frames to specific dimensions
- How to assemble compression fittings / compression fitting assessments
- The use of different types of jointing pastes for compression jointing
- Cutting assembling and jointing compression fittings frames to specific dimensions
- Cutting and treading low carbon steel pipe
- Jointing steel pipe
- The use of different fittings on steel pipe
This is certainly not a full list of the skills are students will be learning during their time with us. A more in depth list can be found here, along with our full list of Gas Training Courses.
These students will now be preparing for their final assessments being held next week... Good luck guys!