We are now half way through the year. Many industries have been affected by the pandemic, however, the trade industry as a whole has stood it's ground. Of course they have had their issues but are one of the least effected sectors.
Now, tradepople are seeing a big change in demand for their services as well as huge wage increases. Here at our centre we have cotinued to provide plumbing courses for those looking to take advantage of the demand. Today, we want to take a look at a few reasons why plumbers in particular have seen their earnings rise during 2021!

Did you know plumbers are now one of the fastest rising earners?
What does this mean? Well, it means that plumbing professionals have noew reached the top ten list for skilled careers when it comes to getting a rise. Not just in the trade industry, we are talking about one of the fastest rising earnings for any type of career.
Salaries are rising at their fastest rate in a decade. Overall wage growth continues to outpace inflation. This is great it means that earnings have not just recovered from the pandemic but have gone above and beyond.
Why is there such an increease in demand?
There are so many reasons for the surge in demand followig lockdown. Incluidng many construction projects reuming, new housing targets and comercial business opening back up. But most significalty, domestic work is hugely in demand right now. This is because peole have spent a lot of time around the house during lockdown which has made them more aware of issues that needed fixing and has made people consider improving their household.
To do that they need the services of tradespeople including plumbers. In fact, plumbers were the most in demand tradespeople of 2020! The demnd for plumber in clear as day when you look at the price of hiring a plmber, the cost of hiring a plumbing contractor has risen by 4.5% in just a month.
Tradespeople have been inundated with work, creating employment opportunities throughout lockdown for those who have changed their career path. For anybody interested in learning the trade of plumbing, you will have no difficulty finding work at the moment.
So, what's the problem?
The problem is that the demand for plumbers in becoming more than the amount of plumbers out there working in the UK. This is good news for qualified plumbers working out in the industry as there is no shortage of work out there. There are more vaccancies in the trade industry than there has been in the last 20-years!
The indsustry as a whole needs more quafied wokrers in all areas. There is a shortage throuhout the trades, however, the highest demand is for more qualified electricians and plumbers. There are more people now interested in learning trade skills since the pandemic has highighted how unstable some types of employmet can be but the industry still needs more skilled, qualificed and capable workers.
Working in the construction industry is a safe bet for guaranteed work, no matter what future pandemics hit the world or financial crisis. People will always need their boilers fixed, their plumbing sorted and homes still need to be built. Not only is there work in the industry but the oppertunities are incredible...Plumbers are earning a fantastic living, the average weekly earnings for plumbers is curreently around £967!
Ready to start a new career?
Here at Able Skils we make the path to a new career a straightforward as possible. Our Plumbing courses are City & Guilds recognised and result in industry-recognised qualifications. We have been teaching the trade for 20-years now. We understand what a plumber in training needs. And have expert instrutors ready to guide you through both hands-on practial training and underpinning theory knowleedge.
The best training option to take if you are serious about a career in the trade is our City & Guilds Level 2 Plumbng course. This course is 6-weeks in total. The course will cover a wide range of topics from the basics like pipe-bending, cold and hot water systems to more advanced subjects. The course is also available on a part-time basis. Perfect for those loooking to transinion from th existing job to a new career. That option is taught over weekends (on a 2 weekend on and 2 weekend off basis). A Home Study option is also available.

Whether you are looking to learn the basics for DIY through Plumbing courses, start a career or even achieve an NVQ. Here at Able Skils we have great facilities and even better instructors in place to help you fill that gap in the market and help you to achieve your personal career goals.
For more information:
If you are looking for some more information about our range of Plumbing courses take a look through our website or give us a call on 01322 280 202. Our office is open all year round, 7-days-a-week between the hours of 8:30 - 16:30! Come and speak to a member of staff in person. While here we can even take you around our training centre so that you can see fo yourself the great work that we do here.
Where we are:
- Top DIY tasks to tackle at home
- How to set up your own plumbing business
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