Over the last year, places of learning whether that be Universities or training providers like Able Skills have been exploring ways to provide students with an option for distance learning. For us, this has resulted in our Home Study Courses becoming very popular.
How Effective Is Home Study?
People often find that distance learning is harder because all the impetus is on you! However, for others, they thrive. Those who can get the most out of the materials that are provided and know where to find additional content will thrive with a distance-learning option.
We find that many students who choose to go down the distance learning route are doing so because they are unable to commit to a full-time course. They run from Monday to Friday 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM. Some have to look after children and others are still working full time. Home Study will provide you with a huge amount of flexibility. The distance learning market is one of the fastest-growing in the whole education market with a 900% growth since 2000! This is due to technology This is due to technology improvements which have made studying from home a viable option.

People have a wide variety of reasons for opting to follow this path, some have to care for loved ones. Whist others may be working in a completely different industry and are looking to change their career. Here at Able Skills we often welcome students who are looking to chnage their career. With a 9-5 career often being repetitive people crave the variety of working in an industry like Plumbing!
Why Should I Consider Able Skills Home Study Path?
Here at Able Skills, we can offer Plumbing and Electrical Home Study courses. So if you are interested in becoming a qualified electrician, this may be the course for you! One of our current students is a Quantity Surveyor. He is making the most of the flexibility of the Home Study path by studying in his spare time. He is planning on leaving behind a life of budgeting and starting up his own Electrician business.
You are allowed as long as you want to complete all the theory tasks required, so there is no need to rush! Once you have completed all of your theory work at home you will be able to book in with us a time for you to come and complete your practical work. All the practical work on our Home Study Courses is complete in our state-of-the-art training centre under the watchful eye of our experienced instructors.
Want To Find Out More?
If you want to find out more about the Home Study Courses that we offer then feel free to come down to our centre. One of the team will be able to show you around and answer any questions you have. If you cannot make it down to us in person then please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01322280202 where one of the team will be able to get you booked onto your Home Study Course!