Why you should call an Electrician!
Lot's of people enjoy taking on tasks in their own home, especially these days with the amount of accessibility to information, tutorials and guidance. Through means like YouTube, for example, you can find anything you need to complete simple DIY projects at home. However, when it comes to electrics you should think twice about taking on a role that you are not qualified and trained to complete. Yes fixing that problem would be satisfying to fix yourself but electrical systems are not something to mess with if you have little experience and now qualification. - Today we will be looking at the benefits of calling out an electrician and how to get some training if you are looking to peruse the trade as a career through our electrician courses.

Electrician courses at Able Skills.
Save your time and money:
You may assume that calling an electrician would cost more than doing it yourself? You would be wrong, electrical tasks can be much more complicated than they appear to be, without proper training, there’s a good chance you will end up spending more on rewiring or repair bills after damaging your expensive appliances. You will save time and your money will be better spent on a qualified electrician as it is more likely, if not guaranteed that they can solve the problem with less issues and without causing further issues!
The dangers of electrics:
Not only will you save money and time, you could also save your well-being. This is a dangerous trade, without proper training you could be in danger of harming yourself, not knowing how to undertake safe isolation and not having knowledge of the wiring regulations could put you at serious risk. Misuse of electrical systems can cause fires, shocks, and even death when mishandled. Hiring an electrician means that you know they have passed the relevant health & safety checks and have a solid understanding of the wiring regulations, industry standards and knowledge to successfully resolve electrical issues with little to no risk to you or your family.
This is a big one, accountability, if you carry out work and it goes wrong you are accountable. Whereas electricians will be insured, the services they provide are insured. This gives you a guarantee that they will be liable to you in case the job isn’t done right, or there are issues that may come up later on. DIY is a fantastic hobby but should be kept to tasks that don't have dramatic effects on your home, health and pocket. When it comes to electrics, always call an electrician the benefits should give you peace of mind that the job will be done efficiently, safely and correct in accordance to industry standard and the BS 7671 (18th Edition).
Looking for training?
If you are looking to peruse a career in the world of electrics then you are in the right place, here at Able Skills we have been teaching the trade for many years and we know how to take somebody with a little amount experience and turn them into a confident new professional. Becoming a domestic installer has never been easier with our all inclusive Domestic Electrical Part-P Package. This is the perfect starting point for an aspiring electrician looking to work the traditional domestic role.
The package includes these electrical courses:
Contact us:
If you would like to learn more about the City & Guilds Electrician courses that we offer you can contact us over the phone on 01322 280 202. We will help you as best as we can, no matter the problem! If you would prefer to speak to a member of staff in person, you are welcome to come into our office unannounced. We are open all year round 7-days a week between the hours of 8:30 - 16:30. We will guide you to the right course, get you enrolled and even show you around so that you can see for yourself the great work that we do here!
You may be interested in our accommodation if you live a considerable distance from us here in Dartford, Kent. We have accommodation available exclusively to our students for the reasonable price of £20 per night! - If interested in booking accommodation for the duration of your course then please contact us ahead of time, before your course's starting date as spaces are limited!