Plumbing courses could be beneficial for residents of Wolverhampton, after it was found that the area has the highest proportion of working-age people with no qualifications.

According to BBC News, Lord Digby Jones has described education as vital for the British workforce.

Speaking to the same resource, vice president at City of Wolverhampton College Bhanu Dhir claimed that people must be inspired to undertake training, which could include plumbing courses.

"I think it's very serious in particular in certain parts of Wolverhampton where there is a tradition or maybe three generations of families that have not been in employment," the education professional was quoted as saying.

Writing for the Edinburgh Journal recently, MSP Elizabeth Smith urged policymakers not to focus only on financial matters when it comes to deciding how the education system in Britain is run.

She also suggested vocational training could be offered at a younger age than it is currently.

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